[center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC41NjBiMWEuVEdGNllYSjFjdywsLjAAAA,,/making-a-list-checking-it-twice.regular.png[/img] [color=8B008B] "Ohhhh, don't be so cold blooded. You're gonna reignite my appetite again."[/color]-he answered with his unique way of speaking, pronouncing some words with a high pitched voice and laughter. [color=8B008B]"You know, I was really counting on your hospitality"[/color]-he said in a sad mock voice-[color=8B008B]"but it seems...somethings never change despite the passage of time."[/color]- the demon finished in his usual tone. [color=8B008B]"While other things...have certainly changed"[/color]- the clown remarked in a more serious while slowly flying around the snake girl eyeing her every curve and scale down to the pattern. [color=8B008B]"I remember, yes yes, I remember when you were just a little snakeling, all scales and bones."[/color]-he continued in a melancholic tone.-[color=8B008B]"You have really put some meat these past eons. Give it another one or two and you'll be ripe for the eating. AHA AHAHAHAHA"[/color]-he finished with a laughter. [color=8B008B]"Unfortunately for you, I have to cut this short.."[/color]-As he said that, he consumed the other little snake already in his hand like a spaghetti string, only stoping once reaching the head, cleanly cutting it off with his teeth. [color=8B008B]"...or the show will be over before I even get a chance to see it!"[/color] [color=8B008B]"Say hi to that big exquisite 7 headed delicacy of yours for me"[/color]- his stomach started rumbling after he said that-[color=8B008B]"and for my stomach ahahaha"[/color] [color=8B008B]"And I'll see.."[/color]-the clown started but dissapeared mid sentence. [color=000000]"you"[/color]-this word came in a deep and low menacing voice, the source seemingly just behind the snake girl next to her ear. [color=8B008B]"LATER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. UHU UHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"[/color]- the demon finally left, his laughter echoing around the woods, traveling like the wind. [i]Some Minutes Later[/i] That sudden meeting really brought back memories. Ahhh, the times..The boring, boring times. Before humanity developed some basic level of intelligence and intellect. Before the large scale wars and complex complots. Finally arriving at the battlefield, still in his invisible form, he looked down:"Phew, I didn't miss the boss fight" Then he noticed the weight of the bag of snakes that he was still carrying but unfortunately his appetite was lost. Can't blame him though, you can't go back to eating sandwiches right after having come face to face with a million dollar rare, stuffed, treated snake dish. Only, memory of the smell alone was enough to make him drool. So the main problem was, finding a way to dispose of all these snakes and they were all alive mind you. It would be such a waste to let them go... [b]Finger Snap[/b] Lowering himself on the battle field, he noticed another person trying to sell their wares. The girl had also put a stand! Looks like she was serious and judging by how empty her stand was, she was also successful. Well if a little girl can do it, so can an ancient clown demon thing! Conjuring a stand and leaving invisibility at the same time, he literary appeared out of thin air. Of course, if there was someone with sharp senses or anything of the sort he would've [s]seen[/s] felt him coming. He put the stand parallel to the little girl's one, keeping a medium distance from her and the half dragon lady next to her. Now that he looked at that creature closer, it kinda looked like a snake...Nope, he had to concentrate, he had a job to do. Putting the bag of snakes aside, he conjured a fire and some thin metal sticks which he proceeded to run through the snakes and put them to fire. After the first batch was done, 4 well cooked crispy goodies to be exact, he started shouting. [color=8B008B]"Free Snakes for eating! The best chef in the country has come to personally cook for your pleasure. Gnomes and humans, and witches and monsters, anyone can get some! First come first serve, get them while their hot!"[/color] [/center]