[h1][color=red]Lusius Mathand[/color][/h1] [@13org][@Bright_Ops][@Superboy] As Lusius made it to the little triage station and started to recieve some attention he stopped getting worse. Mostly due in part of the magic emitting sun going away. That meant that the Burning Man wasn't stealing more magic from which to fuel himself off of, but that didn't mean that the magic he already stole wasn't still in him. He was still restless and that meant he was fighting to get out, which in turn meant Lusius was knelt down, clutching his head trying to steady himself enough to fight back properly. For Draco pouring water over him, it really did nothing to help Lusius fight back the fires, but it would cool his burning skin a bit to make him easier to handle for later. At least until it evaporated and he started to burn again. As for his clothes they would unfortunately be soaked and hold onto that water for a lot longer than his exposed flesh. When the doctor came running up Lusius paid him no mind, not that he wanted to ignore him, just that he'd much rather deal with his own problems before he tried to make new friends. What did bother him somewhat though was when he distracted Shai from fulfilling her promise to remove teh magic from him. He needed it to be gone so he could fight back and for it to go away naturally would take a substantially larger amount of time. If only he could expel the magic in a quick rush that wouldn't lead to him transforming into the Burning Man. But no matter what, it was an either or deal. Either he was Lusius Mathand, or he was the Burning Man which means he either had to get help, or he'd have to suffer until enough magic faded that he could function properly.