[center][b]GM Post. Feel free to post any collabs/W.I.Ps up to this point.[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imtPF2b2Q4M][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/no-turning-back/images/c/ca/This.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161114155307[/img][/url][/center] Eccleson stood aboard the command deck of the Beast as the behemoth tore through the underbrush of the forest. Doctor Anderson had assured her that the trees weren't actually trees, and some form of complex structure that had been built by some sort of creature. At least that was the current theory, but they had taken samples to be evaluated at a later date anyway back on the Ark. What everyone was more excited about was the EM Zone. As soon as the report had come back Eccleson and TreVayne had contacted the [i]Vitae[/i] and set immediate course with all haste, while it was true there was more to do in the initial landing site the EM zone was far more interesting. Hawkins and Atkov had reported in the [i]ruins of a settlement[/i]. Buildings as tall as the trees reaching up into the sky, derelict for Gods know how long. As Eccleson thought about it her hand strayed towards an old cross that hung around her neck, before the Devastators had attacked Religion was a dying thing. Understandably with the trials that humanity had faced several people turned back to it for some semblance of comfort, she herself wasn't extensively religious in that she merely wore it as a reminder of her mothers who had met at a religious gathering. Could there be some divine hand in all of this? The first planet they came across having remnants of an alien civilisation? She had seen the footage, while it wasn't like any human city she had ever seen it was hard to not notice the obvious structure as pathways connected the buildings that reached higher and higher as they approached the centre of the EM zone. She looked up through the viewport as they broke through the denser vegetation into the 'outskirts' of the city. It was incredible, until they passed the barrier of green there wasn't any sign of any structures other than the threes. Then suddenly they were everywhere, derelict husks of a time long past. She was sure that someone on the team would be able to tell her how long they had been there though she didn't really care. She just had to remain on the top of her game, and not ensure that she wasn't distracted by what was on front of her. "Tell Smith to set up his squadron in a patrol, I'll send the grid to him momentarily. Have Hawkins take her wingman deeper into the EM zone, tell her to keep an eye out for any structure that stands out more than the others-" She leaned down so that she could look above the beast as it slowed, up at one of the orbs that hung suspended by what looked like cables. "-Also get her to keep a rough track of how many orbs she sees. If we can get a number on how many they are, and how often they appear we may be able to figure out what they are." As the vehicle came to a halt, she couldn't help but to keep looking up at the Orb. It was incredible, a perfect sphere with intricate carvings all over it. Well, it [i]would[/i] be perfect but like many of the ones she had already seen it appeared damaged in some way, most of them big or small were in some way or another. The most curious thing about them was how the lines holding them up appeared to break into, and through, buildings before latching onto something. Which made her think they weren't native, or at least not initially meant to be there. She couldn't even begin to take a guess as to what had happened but then again it wasn't her job too. "Deploy all squads, fan out in standard formation until they are fifty metres away from the command vehicle. Once there they should begin to circle until ordered to move out further, also have them prevent any scientists from straying out too far by themselves." She heard the affirmative from the comms officer, and the affirmatives through his headset as he relayed the order. "Lower the ramp and let the scientists go, TreVayne has people in their teams to keep them safe. They all know their objectives. Let's see what this planet has to offer. [hr] [right][b]The Office of [i]Ambassador[/i] Ford. [/b] [sup][sup][sup][@The Spectre][/sup][/sup][/sup][/right] [url=http://ww1.hdnux.com/photos/43/16/13/9233112/3/920x920.jpg]Jeffery Hux[/url] placed several files before the Ambassador, though he kenw enough about the man and the state of affairs on the ship that he may not hold that title for long. Maybe even aiming for something more auspicious, such as President/Prime Minister/Leader or whatever title he and the Admiral concoted. He himself was surprised that a career military Martian man had went for someone of non-martian descent, and someone who as far as he knew had no ties to the military whatsoever. Then again he hadn't spent enough time with the Admiral to get a good read on the man, and only had what he had heard either through word of mouth or the ships PA system to go on. "As you may well know, during the founding days of the United Earth Council the idea of a constitution was placed before them by the Roslin Federation. The Conglomerate was willing to work with it with some minor adjustments, Armani were wholly against the idea and the Martians felt that it ceded too much political control out of their sphere of influence. If you're looking at forming some form of legal and judical system for the [i]Vitae[/i] then I wish you luck. I pushed with the board in charge of the Project to come to some consensus but the four parties never agreed, so there's no real clear sense of law aboard the ship. Are we under Martian, Federation, Conglomerate or Armani Law?" The older man shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, those are the files you requested. Is there anything else you need?"