[color=7bcdc8][h2]Orithius Pethris Wyrmwood [/h2][/color] [@KimmiNinja] Orithius turned back to her. She seemed far to aware of his mental state. He could however feel the blush recede as his mind calmed as well. He shook her hand. While normally uncanny perceptiveness would be a dangerous aspect to have within a resource, her connections would come in handy when actually establishing the social framework he had intended to start this year. She could be a valuable asset then. "[color=7bcdc8][b]Perfect. I will have my lawyers pull up a standard service exchange contract."[/b][/color] He smiled at her, before he started walking towards the direction he knew their class would be, walking slowly to allow her to keep up. "[b][color=7bcdc8]Naturally there will be a nondisclosure clause for the more delicate subtitles you will have to be made aware of, but I am sure we can facilitate a friendship. Normally I spend between four to six hours at my tutors in the week, but I am sure we can arrange for a bi-weekly get together to develop this friendship - on the top of my head, I think Saturday afternoons should do. Have your assistant send your schedule to mine, and we can work from there."[/color][/b] He seemed to be in his own world, speaking candidly as he made plans for their impending friendship - looking over at her only now and then to make sure she was still following, while they made their way deeper into the building.