The injured, filthy and terrified bosmer girl looked on in horror as the blood of two was spilt on the beach with petrifying ease. Clumsy and frantic in her movements she clawed her way back away from the gradually widening space of red sand stopping only when a boulder obstructed her path. Even when crawling she seemed to hobble, unable to place weight through one of her feet. A second person arrived and startled the girl who flinched into the rock, cracking her head hard against it before rubbing it better as best as she could. The stranger came down the hill and she eyed the weapon at his belt warily. Everyone she had met within her recollection seemed to wield a weapon and, thus far, none of them had been unwilling to use those weapons. She had no reason to believe this man would be different and as he approached she bared her teeth and hissed at him in a barbaric and truly ferocious manner one would expect from a cornered animal. With her damaged feet and the rocks and hills behind her a cornered animal was more or less exactly what she was. Her wide eyes stuck perfectly to the man, unblinking and completely hostile and yet, unlike the rest of her, they retained their natural beauty despite the dirt and the blood. Once cleaned the girl would likely be very attractive indeed. For now though she was little more than a beast. "Are you alright ma'am." The man asked in a gentle tone. "Its alright now, no ones going to hurt you." He added. The girl cocked her head to the side and gazed upon him a little less fearfully. What he had said had not surprised him. It had been the gentle and caring way he had said it that caught her off guard. She relaxed a little and flicked her eyes to her legs. "I'm cold, and my feet hurt." She said finally.