Though the shock wave had sent him back a few meters, the being and the body he had commandeered were no worse for wear. [b][color=lightblue]"Well with all the rubble you've got coming down here, I'd say this is as good a place as any"[/color][/b] the being said as he picked himself up and brushed himself off [b][color=lightblue]"However, there are 2 things I must point out. 1: This isn't my body, it's my wielder's body. I just took the wheel for a while to keep you guys from killing him when he couldn't defend himself. And 2: I do believe you're a little confused as to who will be burying who by the time this is over. It won't be you burying me, it will be me burying you. All 5 fifths of you"[/color][/b]. With that said, the being spun his sword in his hand for that extra bit of flare and pointed it at the fifth of Prisma who had been attacking him as the sword came out of its spin. [b][color=lightblue]"You think otherwise?"[/color][/b] the being asked [b][color=lightblue]"Come prove me wrong, Prismil"[/color][/b].