[img]http://i.imgur.com/0mML7tq.png[/img] Broby's on the warpath against the news media, Arnie bullies contestants smaller and weaker than himself, and the flag of the United Kingdom flies over a Cornucopia recently liberated from the Nazi's. All of this happened on the first day. Now the sun goes down, night gathers, and our tributes do things they might never dare do in the light. [img]http://i.imgur.com/AoL3WHM.png[/img] Mr Rogers brings Bowser and Pokemon GO together to sing a song. Nearby, CNN climbs a tree to rest, and to get a birds-eye view of the news before it is news. Perhaps CNN can see Trump down below, tending the wounds he received fom receiving Martin Luther King Jr. Carrie Fisher is tired of being picked on. First she was bullied by Arnie, then she was bullied by her own clumsiness. She takes her frustrations out on Broby, the journalistic crusader, and slices him wide open. Broby dies, his only regret being that he left some news alive to report the events of these Hunger Games. Having constructed a shack, Haley now builds a hammock. Everybody else is playing Hunger Games, while she is playing Minecraft. Harambe attacks MLK jr, but Trump's familiar, the Trump Pepe, protects his boss's lover and kills Harambe. The only dicks that'll be out this time will be Trump's and King's. MSNBC, no longer hunted by Broby, uses a trick from Broby's book and kills Muhammad Ali with some taint. Lincoln shows that, even if he is scared of the outdoors, he at least knows how to handle himself here. He builds his fire and tends to it responsibly. Chapa, on the other hand, can't even get a fire going. Shoryu takes the trail mix he received from VarionusNW and makes a shelter out of it, and then he invites President Obama in with his Chu-Ko-Nu to share it with him. The Basket of Deplorables makes fun of Shifty Kebab (git out our cuntry ding-derned mooslam!). Shifty, usually a patient man, rages on twitter somehow. [img]http://i.imgur.com/DNUraxS.png[/img] Stefan Karl Stefansson mocks Jill Stein, causing Alec Baldwin to join in and start fighting with Mrs Stein. Clocktower Echoes, dazed after having lost his hand to Arnie, wanders hapless through the woods unsure what is going on. Arnie joins the Democratic party and sings songs. Possibly in Hillary's mud-hut where Arnie and Bernie, who has thus far only achieved bullying a Waifu, can swap stories about being mean to people. Dat Boi is such an amazing guy that Gene Wilder is star struck, and perhaps a little aroused, by meeting him. Meanwhile Putin, lost from his hunting group, walks confused through the woods with a basket of bread still splattered with Chapa's nose blood. A Waifu, Gary Johnson, and Leonardo DiCaprio trade ghosts stories with a phantom. Phantom's probably going to be good at this, Japan can do a ghost story, and Leonardo can probably just tell Shutter Island, but what does Gary Johnson have? "Once a city came out of the mist, unheard of by anybody, called Aleppo..." Prince isn't sure if he is sane, though all he has done is grab a taco and then help MSNBC. Meanwhile, Betty White doesn't seem to question herself at all as she drinks her own piss on top of a hill. Duterte and Birdie Sanders visit Boris Johnson in his newly anglicized Cornucopia base and just sort of chat about what is going to happen next. You can just imagine them sitting there, using Hitler's corpse as a bench, Birdie nursing his sprained ankle, Duterte dipping the sliced pieces of Hot Wing into the honey he gathered earlier, gossiping with Boris Johnson about the other players. David Bowie tends to his genitals, they having been man-handled by a man-hungry Trump. Death posts a Harambe meme. I guess he's probably mocking the recent death of Harambe at Trump Pepe's hands. Though perhaps in a few decades when somebody decides to write a monograph about 2016, "Death Posts a Harambe Meme" is as good a title as any.