Kitty had seemed quite unamused for the most part, twirling a lock of her pink hair with an absent look off at the door. Both she and Theo had bowed their heads when the leader entered, but Kitty was the first to open her mouth again, as usual. [color=pink]"Hey, Emory, do you still need me and the mouse? I heard that there was a 2-Star Daemon near the ferry port downtown. I was going to head there, since everyone else is kinda busy."[/color] Truly, Kitty didn't care about fighting. She just wanted to get out of here, it was seriously cramped and nothing fun was happening! At least beating some Daemon senseless had some satisfaction. Theo shrank as she spoke. [color=mediumpurple]"You called me a mouse again... but, why do you need me to help you?"[/color] The pink haired girl turned her bright eyes to the shy boy, seeming confused. [color=pink]"In case the guy goes haywire and smashes my face into the concrete or something, you have to heal me, duh."[/color] She explained casually, as the brunette let out an exasperated sigh. Kitty hopped off the bed she had parked herself on, and was already halfway towards the door dragging the unwilling Theo by his sleeve when she called back. [color=pink]"So, yeah, we'll be back soon."[/color]