Biting her lower lip, Reia (rather uncharacteristically) restrained a snicker as the woman would confront Jaakuna. It was a little mean spirited, yes, but she had to admit it was rather funny. Though the scene unfolding before her very quickly reminded her exactly why she preferred to have lovers rather than actual relationships; people were much too unpredictable, their desires and dreams much too fleeting for her own taste. Still, the girl's name definitely rang a bell, though she couldn't remember exactly where. She was well aware of the name, one of the biggest in Archadia, but for some reason this one in particular seemed to make her try to remember something. Lorenzo, on the other hand, was outright laughing at Jaakuna. Ah, to be young and in love! Although now that he thought about it, this woman was definitely not what's-her-face (he knew her name started with an 'E' but Elizabeth was his own way of badly admitting her never remembered her name), and mostly definitely was NOT over Jaakie. Once the realization hit him, a curious look appeared, and he watched as Jaakuna would look to him for asistance. At the risk of probably getting pummeled himself, Lorenzo would gently pull Nila away from Jaakuna, offering a grin. "[b][color=darkorange]There, there, we all know this guy's a jackass,[/color][/b]" He comforted her, though this time Reia wasn't quite able to hold back a laugh. He ignored her for the moment, gesturing at Jaakuna. "[b][color=darkorange]Oi, Jaakie, what's this all about, then?[/color][/b]" Reia quirked an eyebrow at her brother, though she stayed silent, if only because she didn't want to admit she was just as curious about the situation. [hr] Morbid? What was morbid? Before Nadeline could ask, however, Wesley continued to speak to himself, though she would learn he was speaking to his Esper. Something was amiss, though that something was Wesley. He was concerned about...[i]something[/i], although what exactly she wasn't sure. She sure wished Ultima would clue her in, but the Seraph wasn't exactly the chatty type and preferred that they would keep a respectable distance. Admirable, but it didn't quite help the situation. Nadeline mentally prodded Ultima, wanting her to speak, though she outright ignored her. Letting out a huff of annoyance, she tugged on Wesley's sleeve. "[b][color=coral]What is happening, Wesley?[/color][/b]" She asked him, feeling left out.