He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Nila wanted answers. Lorenzo wanted answers. Reia, though she remained silent as a mute, wanted answers as well. And here was Jaakuna, still aching slightly from Nila’s surprise attack, didn’t know how to give those answers. He didn’t know what those answers were. But as he would look at each and every one of them briefly, he knew he would have to say [i]something[/i]. Taking a breath in, Jaakuna would exhale, and said, “[color=ed1c24]Not here.[/color]” “[color=9966cc]Why not here?[/color]” Nila interjected. Jaakuna would simply point to the crowd that was gathering. Nila scoffed. “[color=9966cc]Fine, but you’re not escaping from telling me.[/color]” Now Jaakuna was the one who scoffed. He wouldn’t say anything. All he would do is gesture Reia and Lorenzo to follow him, telling them that they were going to move away from the crowd. Of course, that seemed easier said than done. They were crowding around like crowds did. It took a bit of shoving and pushing, but the four would soon be able to hail an aircab. At least then they would be able to have privacy for as long as the cab would take to get to Roman’s office. “[color=9966cc]Okay, we’re alone. Start talking. And it better be a good one.[/color]” Nila said, assuring Jaakuna of a certain action that will be taken again. “This isn’t a happy story nor will it satisfy you.” Jaakuna told Nila, “[color=ed1c24]when Savayna was promised to Vincent, I was, for the lack of a better word, a fool. I made promises to a lot of women. I gave them my ‘word’ that they could have me. In truth, I was a bastard. A womanizing bastard. SOmetime after that, Savayna and Vincent’s wedding was called off. Instead, I was forced into a marriage with her. Of course, I know you know this. There was a big wedding and everything. Not even a full year after the fact, well, do I really need to say it?[/color]” “[color=9966cc]Yes.[/color]” JAakuna sighed, “[color=ed1c24]I was charged with my father’s murder, whcih I was on the run. You can ask Savayna for the details next time you see her.[/color]” Jaakuna said, not realizing how much he said in teh span of just one minute. “[color=ed1c24]Anyways, that’s what happened. That’s why I left. But hey, you look good. Time has been good to you.[/color]” Yup, Jaakuna could just hear the seething scoffs from both Reia and Lorenzo. Good job again, Jaakuna. [hr] “[color=fff79a]You mean you can’t sense it?[/color]” Wesley asked, somewhat surprised. Wesley could sense it. Oh boy could he sense it. The putrid mist overwhelmed the air, distorting it in ways that made the Prince of Dalmasca nauseous. Though it died down in the passing moments, it still did a number on Wesley’s equilibrium. “[color=fff79a]It’s the mist, Nadeilne. The mist that Zodiark has created. And I feel it all. I can sense how morbid it is, the way it makes the hairs on my arms cower in fear, the way that it both enhances and weakens my own mist.[/color]” As Wesley described that, he felt himself both cower in fear because of Zodiark’s presence and empowered by it. “[color=fff79a]I now understand what Vlyn and Aloa feel. Ever since I was given the Order Seal, I am more understanding to the inner-workings of Ivalice’s Mist. and it’s terrifying.[/color]” Wesley said, literally shaking, “[color=fff79a]this is what’s happening Nadeilne. But above all else, somewhere nearby, there is something far worse than Zodiark. Hashmaal knows not wha tit is, but it’s similar to Venat, The Undying from all those years ago - the same Venat that are in the Scrolls of Ivalice’s History.[/color]”