Of all the things to close with, did Jaakuna really need to be so curt? No, it was his informality that really seemed to make things worse. He was certainly very casual all things considered. Shifting slightly in her seat, she placed her hands on her knees rather daintily, shooting Jaakuna a look. “[b][color=turquoise]What is it about men that empty their minds so much that even common courtesy escapes them?[/color][/b]” She asked the clearly rhetorical question. “[b][color=turquoise]And what sort of compliment was that? Is that supposed to tide her over?[/color][/b]” Now it was Lorenzo’s turn to snicker, though he was clearly enjoying Jaakuna’s discomfort. “[b][color=darkorange]Now Miss Ward is well aware of what happened. Satisfied, or do you need to know more?[/color][/b]” [hr] Oh that was the complete opposite of good. This was supposed to be their new beginning, and something clearly evil was lurking nearby. She couldn’t help but scratch her arm nervously, looking towards the distance. To think it could unnerve Wesley was really telling. But what was its goal? Was it simply lurking? Or was it planning to attack Dalmasca? After a moment, she looked at him very seriously. “[b][color=coral]Do you believe it is something we should take care of?[/color][/b]” She asked him though her expression fell into one of sadness. “[b][color=coral]Too bad we’re all separated…perhaps together we could have investigated.[/color][/b]”