[quote=@Cat] [@Jeyma] So in other words, he's an overly melodramatic diva? :lol Anyway, on a more serious note... He sounds fantastic! I anticipate a deep and tragic past? [/quote] Yes, exactly, only he's sorta the antagonist in his own past: it wasn't something anyone else did that's tragic, it's what HE did that can't be escaped. Guilt is more powerful than grief. But I don't know... it'll make sense when you read it. :lol [quote=@Cat] I'm debating on whether my Corvi should be a fickle and quietly intellectual creature, or literal birdbrain who would follow you to the end of the Earth if you had so much as a scrap of food. [/quote] I think we already have a resident "birdbrain who would follow you to the end of the Earth if you had so much as a scrap of food." [@SanaChan]'s Sybil Nightwind acts like that towards her companion: super loyal, afraid to disappoint, kind of innocent, etc. I don't believe we have any fickle intellectuals, though. Well, Sybil's companion Daewyn is an intellectual but I didn't get the "flip-flop genius" feel off of him.