[b]Name[/b]: Bot Master, “Bot" [b]Age[/b]: Somewhere between 18 and 25 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Affiliation[/b]: Casteless Bot has a home outside the city, not too far away. There is where he completes especially big projects that require long periods of time and isolation. For smaller jobs, he often takes residence inside the city via a work permit. Still, he is treated poorly by many citizens of the city and only receives work by his reputation and citizens lack of concern for those that work with robotics. Who else would waste so much time? [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Bot Master][img]http://wiki.dfo-world.com/images/b/b9/MechanicPortrait.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Bot is a quirky fellow. He goes by the name Bot and so do all of his companions. So when calling his name you are often greeted with the eyes of many. To make matters even more confusing, Bot often refers to himself in third person, leaving others to wonder if he is referring to himself or the miniature robots around him. This is partially because of his time spent in isolation and also due to his Mineral Weapon. Because no one really knew Bot before he was known for his work, people don’t know if he always treated himself near robot like or if it was his Mineral Weapon that changed him. In truth, the Mineral Weapon likely amplified Bot's strange traits. Though he isn’t ignorant of the world around him, Bot does often treat people and situations like robots that need to be fixed. This is especially apparent when he deals with situations he has little to no experience in: such as taking care of children. To people that look down on him, they spend so little time with him and only require his product; so they aren’t too bothered. To those that would get to know Bot, they would see he means no harm and is actually pretty cautious with everything and everyone around him. He is more often than not like a curious child investigating whatever is before him with a procedural and experimental like approach. [b]Occupation[/b]: Droid Worker [b]Equipment[/b]: [i]“Bot”[/i]: Not so much of a weapon, at least not anymore, this mineral weapon was actually constructed with the remains of whatever it was before. Included was an extremely advanced CPU, and being familiar with CPU operating systems, Bot was able to piece together a body and repair the CPU. What was created now was a tiny AI robot companion with knowledge of software and CPUs that rivals Bot’s own. His primary and seemingly only function however, is to use whatever materials are available to build an exact replica of himself; over and over and over and over and over again. Bot (robot bot), using Bot’s (human Bot) original design, Bot can create an army of Bots that will aid them in whatever task they command. The Bots even have special abilities of their own, unique to each series of Bot. Some will explode, others will sprout helicopter blades from their heads, some will shoot laser beams from their eyes, and others will massage your hands and feet. The process is random and is not influenced at all by Bot’s (human or robot) desire or needs. Robot Bot seems to have accepted Human Bot as leader, brother, and fellow robot companion. He follows him everywhere and seems to even influence Bot’s behavior and desires. Robot Bot, will for example, encourage Bot to play games with him. Robot Bot and all the Bot Companions refer to Bot by his full name, Bot Master, which is likely why he is known professionally as Bot Master in the first place. [i]“Portal Key”[/i]: The Portal Key is a strange handheld device that almost looks like an alien gun except it has no barrel. It is not directly a weapon in fact. The Portal Key, when activated opens a portal to another destination. The Portal Key can be (roughly) aimed within several meters distance. The destinations are usually on the planet, but can also lead underwater somewhere in the ocean or out into deep space. Bot cannot directly control the Portal Key but rather wish for a destination and hope for the best outcome. His mood and status seem to affect the portal destinations, though not always in his favor. The portals do come in handy however, as when entered [i]with[/i] the Portal Key, Bot can enter the portal and instead of traveling to a far away destination, return through another portal to the same location only another spot (as if teleporting). Due to the randomness and slightly inaccurate aiming of the Portal Key, this isn’t always a good strategy. By using his Bot Companions Bot can safely test portals before entering, fortunately. Also, as his Bot Companions are in a sense “extended Mineral Weapons”, they can safely traverse the portals themselves without the Portal Key. [i]Unlimited Random Resources[/i]: Using his Mineral Weapons together, Bot can send his Bot Companions into portals made by his Portal Key and have them return with resources and freshly made Bot Companions. It may take time however, if the Portal Key is being uncooperative. To help his influence on the Portal Key, Bot must remain in “its good wishes” as he calls it. This requires constant feeding to the portal (according to Bot). Its diet consists of all kinds of materials; nothing ever living besides plants (so far). It can range from sand, wood, to even oxygen on its own . . . Using (Robot) Bot and Portal Key, Bot has unlimited access to (mostly random) materials from all over the planet (and possibly the Universe). It seems like the Portal Key might even store materials it absorbs somewhere, as Robot Bot can create large amounts of Bot Companions in ideal circumstances. [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]“Bot is a doctor!”[/i] (Occupation): Bot, though not the best with fixing the more complex physical problems with machines and weapons, is on the other hand an expert with computer programming and droid repair. Given the circumstances of the world now, his talents have few opportunities for use. [i]Extreme Obsession[/i](Occupation): Bot may not be the easiest to communicate with or give you the desired result, but his loyalty and knack for obsessing over droids will allow him to work on a task for long hours over many days. Robot Bot will often come and distract him between this work, however. [b]Biography[/b]: Not much is known about where Bot came from before he started serving as a droid worker. People can only come up with wild stories on how he turned out to be the cooky droid expert he is today. Some think he is autistic and that is the underlying cause of his odd behavior and ways of communicating. Others think that isolation alone, from traveling the wastelands and working in an abandoned factory, have driven Bot to the state he is in now. And of course, his Mineral Weapon Bot seems to constantly demand attention from him and might have insanity as a side effect of its shared power. In any case, Bot gets the job done when it comes to fixing droids. His natural talent makes him receive regular clientele, and when repair work is slow he often accepts other odd end jobs from residents, bounty hunters, and all kinds of individuals for other kinds of work. His Mineral Weapon, Bot, grants him a large amount of helping hands to help with very menial tasks, such as loading and unloading cargo. They can even assist with tasks that would normally be too dangerous for humans to do, ranging from investigating unknown areas and touching hazardous materials. Due to their simple and randomized nature, the more complex the job is the longer it will take. All in all, Bot has a decent living for himself. He has a giant abandoned factory of a home out in the wastelands when not staying in a one room studio, fairly tasty food to eat, and tons of robotic companions. [color=mediumslateblue]How's that?[/color]