Jaakuna stayed quiet, only looking over at Reia as she silently judged him after she said what she said. He had not an answer for her that would satisfy nor cease the disappointment that was clearly across her face. So instead he looked to Lorenzo and Nila, waiting like the rest were for her answer. Biting on her tongue, she muttered something under her breath but it was not audible. After that, she spoke. “[color=9966cc]Whatever.[/color]” She said simply. Not offering a confirmation nor denying if she was happy with what Jaakuna had told her. She would not take her eyes off of him for the entire remainder of the trip, which was spent in mostly silence. As the cab came to a stop, Jaakuna would pay the fee, as he felt that he was resonsible considering how he acted earlier. When they stepped out, Nila did as well. Jaakuna looked at her instantly. “[color=ed1c24]What do you think you’re doing?[/color]” “[color=9966cc]I’m going with you.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]The hell you are![/color]” Jaakuna snapped, looking to Reia and Lorenzo, “[color=ed1c24]tell her she’s not coming.[/color]” Nila looked at the two. “[color=9966cc]And tell this asshole that I’m going with you.[/color]” Whether they liked it or not, the ball was forced into their court. Time to serve it up. [hr] Wesley didn’t like this one bit. He knew in the direction of that foul Mist only meant certain trouble. He knew that the smart thing would be to go to Rabanastre, maybe hope that what he sensed would go away, and he could begin on becoming King of Dalmasca. On the other hand, the honorable blood of the Alexanders that flowed through Wesley’s veins told him this was something he could not ignore, not when Hashmaal told him it was of similar make of Venat, The Undying. Truly, Wesley was at a crossroads. Taking a few moments to contemplate it, WEsley would look at Nadeline who had the most saddest impression he had ever seen her have. It made him weap internally. It wasn’t just what this foul Mist presented, but the fact that it was on the level of Venat and that Nadeline, even though she herself couldn’t sense it, it brought sadness to her face because the others weren’t present. “[color=fff79a]The others..[/color]” Wesley mused, though he didn’t mean to do so aloud. He coughed. “[color=fff79a]As much as it pains me, I believe we’ll have to put my return to Dalmasca on hold,[/color]” Wesley said, somewhat sighing. “[color=a0410d]Wesley, are you sure?[/color]” Hashmaal asked. “[color=fff79a]No, not even close to that, Hashmaal. But this is something I know in my gut that I cannot — and quite frankly, I [i]will[/i] not — ignore. This is my country. Something foul and unwelcomed crosses into my country’s borders. As the rightful king of Dalmasca, I have a duty to see to that this is nothing but some —[/color]” Wesley paused, "[color=fff79a]as JAakuna would put it —[/color]” he said, curving a smile, “[color=fff79a]some bad juju that needs to get their [i]shit[/i] wrecked.[/color]” A wider smile appeared on his face, one that was accompanied by a proud laugh. Wesley now turned to Nadeline, “[color=fff79a]come my darling. We have to, once again, save this world from certain doom.[/color]” Wesley took Nadeilne’s hand, and off towards the source of the foul Mist they went. Off to the Sandsea.