Well, I just going to drop this bomb here and leave... If you wanna talk about his special ability, I can explain it more in a PM (since I kinda didn't go with it over you and don't want to waste space here but yeah... You can hit me up~) Also hai, I've been lurkin' for a while since like page 4 (^.^) On the side note though, I turned my witch into a lich and then it became an elvish druid into a musician, so it was an interesting journey. Its a shame I can't find any pictures that defy the edgelord I could feel from what I found and muscular guys are low in availability that isn't nsfw... After my ranting, here you go >.> [hider=Insert Dungeon and Dragon Character] [center][b][h1][color=black]Nyle Brentwood[/color][/h1][/b] [hider=Appearance] [i][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a6/c2/55/a6c255b43e08d648673d125cae4e0dfd.jpg[/img][/i] Nyle is a person you wouldn't expect to see playing an instrument and would be more interested in things that would suit a person of his stature. Supporting a bulky build as if he was like a lumberjack or something similar, combined with his height of 5'11 and weight makes him quite intimidating. Gained through this travels of various rough incidents which has conditioned his body to be accustomed to the hardy life on the road. His fair colored skin had been tanned as a sign of outdoors traveling but doesn't have a noticeable end spot unless you want to dig further... With wide shoulders and bulky arms that are muscular and unsuspectingly perfect at supporting his control over playing his music with the violin. With short dark brown hair and supporting a respectable beard along with hair in other places that only makes it more surprising when he shows his ability to play music as a musician. His nature all in all makes him out to be like a gentle giant, yet having the charm and confidence to pull this off even better. It contrasts to what you would normally expect a musician to be like or the typical bard to represent, but even the musically gifted has its few odd eggs whether its good or bad is up to you... [/hider] [img]abhishek.mit.edu/images/line.png[/img] [u][b][color=black][h3]Basic Information[/h3][/color][/b][/u] [color=black][b]Full Name:[/b][/color] Nyle Brentwood [color=black][b]Age:[/b][/color] 34 [color=black][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=black][b]Birth Date:[/b][/color] 17th of June [color=black][b]Race:[/b] [/color] Human with traces of elven blood and even less fae blood [color=black][b]Alignment:[/b] [/color] Neutral [img]abhishek.mit.edu/images/line.png[/img] [u][b][color=black][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color][/b][/u] [color=black][b]Hair Colour:[/b][/color] Dark earthly brown locks of hair that looks natural [color=black][b]Eye Colour:[/b] [/color] Cool haselnut coloured eyes that matches his hair almost [color=black][b]Face Shape:[/b] [/color] A normal shaped head like an oval and angular at the chin but its not like you can see it much [color=black][b]Skin Tone:[/b][/color] He has fair skin that is neither too pale or too tan [color=black][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'11 [color=black][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 217 [color=black][b]Body Type:[/b][/color] AB+ [color=black][b]Natural Markings: [/b][/color] None [color=black][b]Scar(s): [/b][/color] None [color=black][b]Tattoo(s): [/b][/color] None [img]abhishek.mit.edu/images/line.png[/img] [u][b][color=black][h3]Personality[/h3][/color][/b][/u] [color=black][b]3 Words:[/b][/color] Talented Charming Artist [color=black][b]Like(s):[/b] [/color] [list] [*]Pursuit of his musical studies, practice, and career that he's been building [*]The sound of music of any kind so long as the musician has pride [*]Watching the days pass by and what the day presents when he has nothing to do [*]On other days flirting with people to spice things up for fun and enjoyment [*]Competition usually puts him on his A-game, especially if it's for a person he likes [/list] [color=black][b]Dislike(s): [/b][/color] [list] [*]Being called not having a 'real' profession by people as a musician [*]Having to go through the cycles of drama (cliches) even though he might be interested in what's going on [*]When being called inferior to somebody which makes him agitated at them [/list] [color=black][b]Want(s): [/b][/color] [list] [*]People who listen to his music to enjoy it and themselves while he's playing it [*]Maybe even having a cute face on his bed to look at when he wakes up wouldn't hurt [*]A happy and good life in general whether it ends bad or good, as long the adventure makes up for it [/list] [color=black][b]Fear(s):[/b][/color] [list] [*]The complete removal of music from his life which is his soul's work and would be devastating to abandon it [/list] [i][b][color=black][h3]Favourite...[/h3][/color][/b][/i] [color=black][b]Colour(s):[/b][/color] [list] [*]Colours to him are simply colours which he has no favortism on except for darker shades which he gravitates to for clothing. On occasion, maybe something lighter to add a pop of attention should he ever desire it for a change. [/list] [color=black][b]Time of Day:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Whenever he gets to play or practice is the Time of Day that he likes and besides, he is a night owl and early bird anyways. [/list] [color=black][b]Food:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Whatever is on the table is graciously eaten as he has no preference on what he specifically likes to eat if given a choice. Back in his younger days, he did have finer taste, but now he's humble enough to eat anything (for the most part). [/list] [color=black][b]Animal:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Songbirds for the music they can create from what nature gave them. [*]Foxes and their cunning along with whatever the cute vicious things do in the wild. [*]Wolves admirable for their almost majestic nature in the wild and their surprising size compared to domesticated dogs. [*]Cats and Dogs are the pets that mankind raised! Its hard not to call them cute no matter what kind they are whether it be cat or dog. [/list] [color=black][b]Place in Terra:[/b][/color] [list] [*]The forests of Terra are one of the best place to play his music as it echoes for miles if you're lucky. It's quite peaceful out there as well, and you never know who's listening. [*]Town centers are the most populated areas to play for people to take notice of you and test if your song is good or not and if rusty. [*]Taverns in the right places and cilents have a certain feeling to them when playing inside them, a community in the night dedicated to drinking, music, and whatever charades they're up to. [/list] [img]abhishek.mit.edu/images/line.png[/img] [u][b][color=black][h3]Skills and Attributes[/h3][/color][/b][/u] [i][b][color=black][h3]Skills[/h3][/color][/b][/i] [color=black][b]Special ablilty/ies:[/b][/color] Nyle possesses a magical ability known as 'The Genius', which is a mysterious supernatural power that allows those who are granted it the ability to master their chosen instrument. Bearers of this supernatural gift are rare and even rarer to discover their nature which makes them near nonexistent that makes their magic a mystery. Nyle himself knows about the unconscious ability that he has within him that acts like a sixth sense for music that are a part of his instincts in a sense. In short, they are people who can transcend music and even magic upon nearing mastering their instrument that can produce miraculous effects. Those who have a Genius can be considered different from Bards, as they seem like they have the essence of 'music' born into them. Consider it an affinity for music that is a combination of possessing the natural ability to perform music beautifully along with inborn magical or a higher source that makes them even more inclined to play music on a whole different level. [hider=Further Details] The Genius itself is like a very heightened instinct that a musician has with their chosen instrument, should they let it rust then it becomes incapable of being used properly. It's possible that a bearer of a Genius can become worse than those who do not have one due to the lack of care for taking care of this ability. As some could call this 'instinct' itself as sentient when they form a bond so strong to the music itself that causes a change in emotion with the bearer itself when sating one's musical appetite per say. To push this ability beyond what the musician is possible as well as required to train it like a muscle, but at the same time tires them out at the same time. Starting from the bottom, they would begin as intuitively quick musicians who would learn their favored instrument quickly and start rolling faster from there. Developing their musical skills and unconsciously tugging the use of this ability every single moment that they are playing. This ability eventually evolves into a constant and passive thing, music and songs will arrive into their heads naturally as the environment stimulates them musically. At a point, those who bear this gift eventually realize this 'behavior' of theirs and begin to have the ability to consciously utilize this power. People who are bearers to a Genius are sensitive to each other and are influenced by each other both in a positive and negative whichever one of them chooses. One could steal emotional energy from another or together they could enhance their music beyond what both of them are capable of doing to perform what certainly would be a miracle of music. However, due to the rarity of bearers, this is something that would be rare to happen between two musicians. Furthermore, contact between a Genius and a person who doesn't have one could also be possible through the use of emotions directed at them as a vague feeling of intent. This 'Genius' that these musicians have could be related in a sense to rare powers of psionics but in its entirety is impossible. Either way, this ability of theirs could be called a sensitive nature to music that allows them to play music to the point of being heavenly and supernatural in itself. A talent that comes from the Gods or God some would say but it is debatable in whether it's considered something magical or extends into the other mysteries that supernatural has and entirely debatable due to the rarity of the skill. All in all- whoever is a bearer of a Genius is an exceptionally good musician. [/hider] [color=black][b]Good at...:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] Music, which is his life and passion which had come so naturally. He specializes in playing his violin and most of his skills that he's honed are related to what he does as a musician. [*] Reading emotions and body language is a skill that Nyle has which is like an intuition of reading the atmosphere when he plays music and using on the social scene. As a musician, he focuses on a more emotional tone to his music that grants them feeling. [*] Even without an instrument, Nyle is skilled at entertaining a group of people by simply with his personality that attracts people to him with his smile. On stage, he is able to excite even a dull crowd into having an interest in what he is playing. [*] Despite his interest in music, he also keeps himself in shape with various physical activities that have shaped himself up to pass inspection. Besides, people are more attracted to those who have a better figure than those who don't. Things that he do are like horse-back riding, the occasional sparring session, manual labor, and whatever else that is thrown his way. In general, he doesn't look like a person who would be a musician from how athletically built he is. [/list] [color=black][b]Bad at...:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] Being biased as he likes to take a side during an argument if it feels right to him [*] Having to keep his mouth shut because he's a talker [/list] [i][b][color=black][h3]Traits[/h3][/color][/b][/i] [color=black][b]Good Habit(s):[/b][/color] [list] [*] Well mannered and curtious with the propper etiquite to not offend anyone usually [*] Friendly to everyone he meets even if they're strangers or meeting for the first time [/list] [color=black][b]Bad Habit(s):[/b][/color] [list] [*] Despite his manners, he is judgemental and two-faced, but it's not like they have to know [*] Keeping to his own principals which make him a hypocrite should anyone notice [/list] [img]abhishek.mit.edu/images/line.png[/img] [u][b][color=black][h3]History[/h3][/color][/b][/u] [i][b][color=black][h3]The Past[/h3][/color][/b][/i] Nyle was born to a relatively normal family if you cut out the fact they were nobility, low ranking but still had their titles granted to them. His family didn't live in Wellborough due to the magical protection it had and thus lived elsewhere where they were able to revel in the magical arts. They lived in one of the bigger towns that were en route to Wallborough and had been living there ever since what his grandfather knew when Nyle asked him. His family while all practitioners of magic and frequent guests to the court, weren't all impressive or specialized to garner any attention. Grandfather was a battle mage who in his younger days sparred with the other young men who had his fair share of wins and losses, while Grandmother was a healer who used the magical arts to cure ailments and brewed potions to supplement this as well. Mother herself was an enchanter who navigated through the court and made deals with what she could with her abilities while Father was also a battle mage who focused on the elemental magics and had his own assortment of wins and losses. With magic flowing through their blood as if it was natural, it wasn't unexpected when Mother and Father had children who were able to pick up the arcane arts. Apparently, it was due to their lineage being intertwined with several elves who married into the family that then mixed their blood together with ours. However, after many generations, the prominence of their elvish traits disappeared as their family retained their humani features but still had a trace of elven blood and whatever else was in there. With this background, it gave birth to three children that Mother and Father had to raise along with the Grandparents finally having grandchildren to look after. The three children all came to use their magical talents but were supplementary only to their pursuits they placed first. Megan was the oldest and the only girl who focused on being an enchanter only after her training as a knight, using magic to reinforce her physical abilities. Then there was Shaun who was the older son who focused on illusions and was quite talented but eventually disappeared from the family slowly for unknown reasons. Nyle himself was the youngest and a practitioner of magic but it only came as an unexpected boon when he wanted to become a musician. It was an unknown kind of magic but Mother deduced it was similar in a sense to what enchanters do but simply with music instead, however, that was a meager explanation. His dreams of being a musician were given a tight smile and placed onto the back burner of his education while they raised Nyle. However, only through the intervention of his Grandfather allowed the implementation of a music tutor into his education to hone his musical desires. At the age of 18, he had already undergone all the education that other children of nobles went through and finished them. While certainly a smart child who understood the topics that were being taught but his cleverness shown when he composed his own musical pieces and even gave dull repetition a breath of life when he played. The praise that was given by his musical teachers were simply waved to the side as they gave polite responses before dismissing him for the final time. Now that he was finally free to do what 'he wanted', his parents were expectantly waiting for what Nyle wished to pursue his occupation. His older sister became a knight and served as a warrior to fight off threats that came to light, while his brother went into the shadier business but was successful and soon Nyle himself was expected to become something and succeed. It was obvious when voicing his desire to become a musician wasn't going to be a talk going to go well and went exactly as he thought it would go. An argument broke out and eventually lead to a period of silence between him and his parents, seeking out to make his own future beyond the watch of his parents. Abandoning his lavish life, even as a low ranking noble was hard as it removed many of the luxuries that he was used to but managed for himself. The first few months were hard but he was definitely noticed for his emotional music pieces that ranged from originals to the common ones that everyone knew. However, his adventurous spirit took him to many other places where he visited and brought the bewitching songs he played along with him. One of the many fond memories of his travels was at the Lake of Terra, where he camped with the mischievous fae and the water elementals for several days simply watching them and talking to them. Eventually, one night he brought out his violin and began stringing a song together that brought even the fae to a momentary hush before joining in. Together, they made a night of lights and sparkles filled with the music of Nyle's violin that was played until the early morning that exhausted everyone. Later that evening, he was invited to play but instead inside Norione Village by the inhabitants who were jealous of the party down the waterfall they weren't invited to. Accepting the offer, as he was assisted by the water elementals and fae to scaling the tricky path before later that night playing once more. After the second night, Nyle himself left once the morning of the third day came upon him and resumed his travels. Along his journies, he hit many of the major civilization and made more than enough to support his lifestyle of travel. Some of his performances were taken place in taverns like the ones he did in Volkungthad where the home of the dwarves was, other were in finer establishments during his visit to the Aelarian Peninsula where the Corvi and Wind Elementals habited. Others took place in the remote forests of Terra, where he traveled with merchants to obscure villages that lived in the wild. Then there some places where he wouldn't have dare had expected to play, such as the graveyards that bordered The Wastelands as a festival to honor the dead of all kinds. It was a bit frightening when a small crowd of shadow demons was watching and listening from afar, but beyond that, it went fairly normal as it could be. Despite the uncertainty that the next day might bring, he enjoyed the lifestyle had had as he traveled the Land of Terra and experience many things that he was sure to have missed from his place with his family. [i][b][color=black][h3]The Present[/h3][/color][/b][/i] Nyle in the present is perhaps more famous than he was when he ambitiously set off from his family's estate and went to pursue his dreams of being a musician. However, the course of his journey, his 'need' to be a great musician disappeared with simply wishing people to enjoy what he played and to hone his skills with music as well. So it can be ambiguous if he is indeed has gained a reputation for being a musician or not from his lack of promoting himself. He has done little to promote his name except for simply giving it when asked if anyone was interested and little more. Of course, throughout his journies he had attracted the attention with people of power which had given hive quite a hefty pay for performing but little else. He had no interest in politics (for the most part) and sought to ignore the brewing troubles as he himself tried to brighten the air. It is of little note that over the course of his journey, he should be more than capable of handling his retirement from the gifts of his few bewitched admirers and dedicated fans who remember him even if he had passed by several years ago, it's not surprising. His journey right now has lead him from the far edges of Terra back to his home as he made his rounds from where the caravans and travelers went. Visiting back to his home, as he had repaired his relationship with them several years back before his Grandparents passed away. They had grown older but still kicking as they were still scheming with their political plans but that didn't interest him much. It was family time and thus he went on to see his other siblings if they were still around. His sister, Megan was doing fine and even had a husband despite her rough ways and even had two boys who were twins! His brother, on the other hand, was gone, not like he was expecting him to be there but it was a hopeful thought. It gave Nyle a small chuckle when he received a letter the next day about him and his search for Shaun, which the letter was clearly from. The letter itself was mostly small talk but it was neat to know that his brother was alive but just doing whatever he does again. He would be staying at his family's estate for a few days and perhaps play for one of his parent's parties but leave soon ofter. He was planning to head toward the city of Wellborough and buy some things that he would bring back as gifts once the appropriate bands of merchants or travelers got together for a certain direction. The cycle of his travels would begin once more and would eventually lead him back here, year after year. It wasn't a safe lifestyle but perhaps that's what you could say adventurers did, or that's at least what they called themselves when he traveled with a bunch like that. [/center][/hider] Hope you like him for the most part... Time to hide in the bunker >.> (Edit: I should also add this [@Emuxe] Oh, well... Not like it will work)