[center] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o719/EthereanFire/Fox_zpsterb1uck.png[/img] [color=cyan]Level:[/color] 1 [color=cyan]Day/Time:[/color] Day One; Evening [color=cyan]Location:[/color] Tetris Castle: Council Chamber -> Ragnanival, Kingdom of Erion [color=cyan]Mentions:[/color] [color=f49ac2]Quina[/color] [@Hylozoist], [color=green]Guile[/color], [color=ed1c24]Mario[/color] [@Holy Soldier], [color=f7923a]Gordon[/color] [@Hostile], [color=7ea7d8]Garrett[/color] [@Simple Unicycle], [color=4be2a3]Naija[/color] [@DracoLunaris][/center] As Guile dragged the corpulent chef creature outside in an apparent act of discipline, Fox casually made his way closer to the round table, careful to avoid bumping into the perturbed military man or being splashed with whatever stray debris from the plate of barely identifiable mess that didn't make it out the door. It begged to question why that thing didn't just stay out there, where the food obviously was, if all it wanted to do was stuff itself. One might argue that the Major did it a favor. Though, it was somewhat concerning to have such an inattentive participant in this supposed gathering of heroes. If [i]that[/i] was who the Seven were counting on to save the universe, then they really must have been desperate for whatever help they could find, but only time would tell. With that taken care of, the briefing was officially underway, but it was less than helpful to be told that the Council knew as much about what they were called here to deal with as [i]they[/i] did. They were instructed to take a precautionary vaccine before embarking on their mission, which was either simpler than it sounded, or sounded simpler than it was. Travel to a magical world, defeat a demon lord and his army, rescue his daughter (a princess, of course), and use her magic ring to activate a cauldron that will somehow save the world. Fox was able to comprehend the gist of it, but magic and how to deal with it wasn’t exactly his forte. This didn’t worry him, though, for with a diverse team of sixteen, there had to be [i]someone[/i] who was well enough versed in it to mean something. Just as the meeting was coming to a close, assigned teams were brought up on the display, and to his surprise, Fox wasn’t being tasked to lead. He didn’t object to changing out of his usual role and following the lead of another, but he also couldn’t help but be curious as to the logic behind the selection of teams and their leaders - or if there was any at all. He took a moment to look over his teammates; three of which he didn’t recognize in the slightest. As they appeared, they were: a conspicuously well-armed, well-armored scientist (Gordon), a dark cloaked figure and likely rogue (Garrett), an amphibious humanoid (Naija), and of course, Mario. The latter had a notably egotistical exuberance about him, but it was a well-known fact that he was good enough in action when it counted to make up for the defects in his personality. After briefly assessing what he could about his team, the other teams, and the mission, Fox wasted no time getting inoculated and stepping through the portal to the unknown to reconvene with his team, arriving third behind the scientist and the fish maiden who was set to be their leader. He couldn’t say simply based on appearances whether or not she would be capable of doing so, but he was ready and willing to help her pick up whatever slack, if any, she may not be able to handle. Hopefully, it wouldn’t actually come to that.