[center][h2][color=a187be]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@Darkmoon Angel] [@Oliver][/center] Amelia wasn't alone for very long, as soon she had not one, but two other people sitting at the same table as her. The first one to show up was a foreign looking boy (or, was she the foreign looking one? She didn't know.) who might've been around her age. He sat down near her but said nothing, so she wasn't sure what to do with him other then to let him be and continue practicing while keeping an eye on him. The second one to show up was a girl who was definitely older then her, again with black hair but this time looking more like she lived in the same country as Amelia. This one actually decided to speak with her, though she didn't address the boy, which Amelia noted seemed to annoy him a bit. Deciding she would address each of them, she drew out the rest of the water from her bottle, which then floated over so it was between her two new companions. She focused on the water, manipulating it until it spelled out the message she wanted it to say, which she then as rotate slowly so that both of them could read it. [i][color=a187be]Hello. My name is Amelia. Nice to meet you.[/color][/i] it said. She gave it a few seconds before shifting it to an arrow, which she had point to the boy before shifting into words again. [i][color=a187be]What's your name?[/color][/i]