[@Lennon79] I need this in my life. Gritty war story, but all the enemies are (dirty and scarred) magically powered lolis. Up for running another RP, Lennon? This needs to happen lol. --- Edit: Nazi style regime. Massive banners of girls in cute dresses, everything is covered in a fine dust of glitter. Loud speakers are constantly blaring about the powers of love and friendship. Of course, part of that is loving your magical girl 'protectors' more than yourself. You'd do anything for them, wouldn't you? Purges are put in place, rounding up those not found to be peaceful and loving enough, the justice system's verdicts are all determined by which side wore the most cute outfit and spouted the most lines about love and friendship. Deep inside massive industrial factories, populations are hypnotised to work endlessly for their magical girl overlords, either by slaving away endlessly on the mass production of cute dresses/magician staves or by being hooked up to huge mana siphons (like the matrix) to fuel the magical girls' world shaping spells. Of course, sometimes people break out of that hypnotism, so if they do... [hider=They're dealt with by one of the trusty magical girl enforcers guarding the facilities] [img]http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-0An_eaN-AYI/TfifWA8ZqyI/AAAAAAAABDE/LyQhtkZPxdQ/s1152/%25255BSGKK-Ruri%25255D%252520Deadman%252520Wonderland%252520-%25252009%252520%2525281280x720%252520H264%252520AAC%252529%252520%25255B90734D6F%25255D.mkv_snapshot_11.46_%25255B2011.06.15_17.08.53%25255D.jpg[/img] [/hider] Our story begins in the depths of one of these factories, where an unhypnotised factory worker has been smuggling out parts for his own secret project. He was a gun-smith before the war and still remembered his craft. He had been creating and stockpiling bullets, rifles, machineguns, grenades, all the tools of a military from the bygone age. The magical girl overlords were squabbling amongst each other. They had turned their wards to ones against magic to protect against the fireballs, lightning bolts and friendship rays being used against each other. With any armed resistance long since crushed, they would not expect an attack by 'primitive', 'inelegant' and 'icky' weapons such as firearms. In addition, they were too reliant on frontal confrontation, rushing ahead, announcing their presence and demanding to meet the 'evil doers'. They would not expect a guerrilla warfare campaign, long ranged assassinations, or other acts of subterfuge. War was brewing... not from any outside threat, but from a resistance lurking in the shadows and slowly growing in power. And now it was time to strike, in.... [h3]Magical Girl Rampage: My evil overlord can't be this cute![/h3] --- And yes, happy new year to everyone. I would normally double down and write a new years themed post (as I have in the past), but I'm hitting writers block on that particular subject.