Deprave wanted to suggest to himself that the hit to his chest didn't affect him that much. This, however, would be lying: he was winded, if only for a couple of moments, and for that he'd lost a bit of skin on his hands. Not that much of a problem, but clearly, this Nefas would be tougher than expected. And he had a guy strapped to his back preventing him from grabbing his strongest weapon. Blog had to go, then. Without so much as a word, he undid the chains tying Frog to his shoulders, then pulled the man off his shoulders with one hand, grasping the chains in his other hand and putting them back where they belonged. 'I'm gonna throw you, Jog,' he stated bluntly. 'You've gotta distract Nefas whilst I get to him. Here’s two more clips-’ Deprave push a couple more clips of ammo for the shotguns, lead slugs if he recalled correctly, into the drugged-up maniac’s jacket pockets- ‘And don’t break my fucking guns.' And with that, he tossed the man straight at Nefas - coincidentally, right as the bitch-looking poncho demon from before was tossed back at him. He had half a moment to process that he had his hands out anyway, so he just moved them into the right place and caught the poncho-wearer out of the air, flipping him the right way round in one hand in preparation to put him down as he then began pushing through the abrupt crowd of prisoners towards Nefas once again, his free hand reaching for Blackgore. And, quite suddenly, had a brilliant idea about what to do with the demon. ‘Alright, maybe I won’t rape you, you armless freak,’ Deprave started, pointedly not putting Poncho down as he drew his weapon, ‘but in exchange for that, you’ve got to get this rabble calmed down. I’ve got an army approaching this place, and every sod in here’s gonna be signing up to help take over Hell. Maybe beyond that, too. You can even be a high-ranking sorta guy in it, if you like, you seem kind of tough. And you know what I’ll do otherwise, so...’ And now he put Poncho down somewhat roughly, and what would you know, he was now standing pretty near Nefas, right as the paladin guy slammed some burning shield into the fucker’s knee. He waited for his moment to strike, then, when it presented itself, lifted Blackgore over his head and brought it down, full force, two handed, blade rather than flat, towards the enemy Cambion’s head.