[hider=Blair Van Zant][center][h1][color=teal]Blair Van Zant[/color][/h1][hr] [img] http://i.imgur.com/hdl65Fe.jpg [/img] [hr] [h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [center][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | S T A T S : |[/b] [indent][indent] [b]▸ B I R T H N A M E : | [/b] [color=teal]Blair Van Zant[/color] [b]▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : |[/b] [color=teal]Sparky[/color] [b]▸ G E N D E R : | [/b] Female [b]▸ A G E : |[/b] 16 [b]▸ H E I G H T : |[/b] 5’8” – 172.72cm [b]▸ W E I G H T : |[/b] 109lbs. [b]▸ E T H N I C I T Y : |[/b] Ukranian [b]▸ Y E A R : |[/b] Freshman [/indent][/indent] ▼ [b]| P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N : |[/b] [indent]Standing at five feet eight inches, and weighing in at 109 pounds, Blair is close to that perfectly agile cheerleader build every high school sports team wants. Her Slavic origins have lent themselves well, giving her an angular jawline, softening more towards her ear. The lower half of her face and most of her neck is mostly rough scar tissue from a terrorist attack she survived when she was twelve. The damage done has left her vocal chords and throat in a sorry state, prompting her to wear a gas mask and some form of coverage for her neck at all times. While fitness isn’t her highest priority, she stays in shape through her training with her powers and the sheer amount of energy she burns on a daily basis. As a result, her body could almost be described as gaunt, though no health issues have risen because of this. She sports a rectangular body shape well, though any sexual appeal she ended up with is placed firmly on her rear despite a light curve at the waist. For all intents and purposes, she is flat-chested, though as stated her behind can rival that of many. Makeup is a simple task for her, usually only taking the time for some light foundation and eyeliner, done just to highlight that there is some white to her eyes. Along with the gene that coded her power came one that failed to properly color her iris, giving her almost pitch-black eyes. She keeps the back half of her ebony locks tightly braided and in a loose ponytail to avoid incident with it, while the front half is allowed to do as it pleases for the most part. Some would say this is an attractive disregard for a perfect appearance. She also has a series of white tattoos on her right arm that do a good job of indication how much electricity is currently stored in her body. On a much more medical note, Blair had her left arm amputated following the aforementioned attack. A cybernetic replacement was put into place soon after, granting her an increased technical ability at the cost of some humanity. She thinks it’s pretty awesome, though. Back to the gas mask for a second, it serves a double purpose, as she has a difficult time breathing without it, previously damaged lungs and all. Her voice is also somewhat gravelly from the damage done, though she is understandable for the most part. Most of her wardrobe consists of leather and other flame-resistant materials, as electricity is known to start fires on normal fabrics. She makes it work though, often sporting a punk-esque jacket.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | P E R S O N A L I T Y : | [/b] [indent]While generally agreeable, Blair is a punk with bite behind her bark. Her ideals follow closely to those of the Transcendentalists, though they focus less on nature and more on unrestricted freedom for everyone. Because of this, she has a habit of spiting her peers. Despite all this, she is notably paranoid about her health for a good reason and will sooner space herself than share a granola bar with someone. Her respect is earned, not given, though she is notably anti-authoritarian. She is unlikely to actually cause a problem via these views, however.[/indent] [b]▼ | B A C K S T O R Y : | [/b] [indent][i]Recorded from an interview with Metahuman-287 – [b]BLAIR VAN ZANT[/b][/i] [color=teal]“Before I get into my history with you, you should know I’m a health risk. Born with HIV, probably have a few screws loose, walking phone battery. But back to the death disease thing, it’s 2072 and no one’s found a cure for that yet? I’ll call bullshit, we’ve got people defying the laws of physics on a regular basis now, and no one’s figured out how to kill a virus that infects 27 million people? Ugh… well, you came to hear how I found out I was a Meta, right? Well, I guess I can put that rant off for now…” “You know how everything sounds when you’re underwater, right? Everything sounds muffled, you can’t tell what anyone’s saying, and you have a sense of panic slowly overtaking you? That was me when I woke up under 300-something tons of industrial grade steel and concrete. And I’ll tell you, it’s terrifying, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Wait, yes I would. Anyhow, I try to look around when I realize two things. One there’s a cinder block on my neck and chest, and I can’t move my jaw. The second thing was something along the lines of ‘Holy shit my left arm’s destroyed.’ Like honestly, it might as well have been powder in a flesh bag. The adrenaline’s pumping, my vision’s the sharpest it’s ever been and I’m wheezing. For all accounts I should’ve been dead the second everything came down on me, but I wasn’t. And no, that doesn’t mean I’ve got super strength, it was dumb luck. That aside, I was in there for about a day before I hear barking right above me, and then the digging started. They had me out in minutes, and was I in bad shape. Airlifted to a hospital, and that’s when things started getting a little weird.” “Midflight, the pilot of the helicopter started freaking out a little, said the battery was draining way too fast. There was just barely enough juice to get to the roof of the place, and they had me off the thing right away. By now I’m fading in and out of consciousness, ready to die because everything hurts like hell now, and this nurse keeps slapping me lightly to keep me awake. And y’know, my jaw’s smashed but she can’t tell, at least I was awake for that. Well they bring me down to surgery and plug me into a bunch of machines…” “And boom! Short circuit, entire floor goes out. Every open wound I had started glowing bright blue, doctor pretty much has a panic attack on the spot, and I’m completely awake a second later. Well like an hour later they figure out what happened, get forced to do the surgery without keeping track of my pulse, and they even gave me this cool arm. I was a standard prosthetic, and then I kinda started messing with it once I figured out how everything worked in it. And now, it’s kind of a conduit for electricity. Well after the fact, they found out my parents were dead and called you guys, and now I’ve been offered a place on the Promise. And you’ll have to kill me to get me to say no.”[/color] [/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : | [/b] [indent]Elemental – Physiology[/indent] [b]▼ | P O W E R D E S C R I P T I O N : | [/b] [indent]To those of you that have played Dota 2, Blair is essentially Storm Spirit. To those who haven’t, here we go. Officially known as Electrokinesis, Blair’s electrical affinity is parasitic in nature, as she cannot support the sheer amount of energy needed to generate electricity at will on her own. Think of this as an iPhone with a three-year-old battery. Anyway, as an elemental, she can sap the charge needed to sustain her abilities from power outlets and other sources of electricity. From here, this energy can either be directed outwards to buff up anything near her or internally to give her an energy boost, kind of like drinking a 5-Hour Energy. If not used, it will slowly decay within Blair’s system until gone, at which point she will become noticeably fatigued. This will not cause her to ash, as she has a human body that’s capable of running on its own energy. At a high energy expense, she can transform herself into raw electricity and relocate herself a short distance away. As a cool cosmetic side-effect, the scars she has glow a distractingly brilliant blue when overcharged. In an overcharged state, Blair thinks quicker than anyone could reasonably keep track of, providing her with a passive resistance to Cerebral-based Metas. She also moves quickly, giving her an agile edge over Super-Systems. When it comes to combat purposes, Electrokinesis lends itself well. Electricity can be condensed into the hands, and will serve several purposes from there. It can be released as a steady stream or in bursts to shock and stun targets at a range, or used to provide an explosive kick to physical strikes. The electricity can also be used as a shield to counter physical attacks, stunning a target if done correctly. It’s a bag of tricks if one ever existed, full of unpredictable gimmicks.[/indent] [b]▼ | L I M I T S | W E A K N E S S E S : | [/b] [indent]The phrase “Burning the candle at both ends,” fits well here. While still able to ash from overextending and releasing all her energy, Blair can also accidently do this if she absorbs too much energy. The only difference is that she can discharge excess energy to save herself, though damage will still be done. The nanomachines within her work as limiters to prevent this. As with many, Anchors are known to shut her down completely, locking her out of her stolen energy pool until lifted. She also can’t do jack to non-conductive materials, like rubber and fiberglass.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent]Largely thanks to her Electrokinetic abilities, Blair has the potential to come in as a permanent resident of the Promise. The sheer utility of them is largely unexplored so far, though she has expressed interest in staying if the opportunity presents itself. She has also attempted to communicate with the station AI Terabyte on several occasions, to little success. She can also read and speak Ukranian and Russian. Also she's done acid.[/indent] [/hider] [@JunkMail][@Mr Allen J][@SepticGentleman] Critique away, the [i]Promise[/i] needed a punk.