Why did he have to decide? Lorenzo wasn't happy with the decision being his, though as he would look to his sister for help, she would offer no condolences. Man, she could be a real pain in the ass sometimes even when she wouldn't utter a word. Lorenzo let out a rather nervous chuckle, trying to dissuade having to make the decision, but the longer he remained quiet, the more piercing both Jaakuna and Nila's glared would be. Yup, it fell on him with no way out. He honestly didn't see too much of a problem--the Wards were, after all, second to royalty, but Jaakuna was very clear in saying he didn't want Nila to tag along. Letting out a cough to clear his throat, Lorenzo would try a reasonable approach. "[b][color=darkorange]In all fairness, we do have something pretty important to discuss with the Emperor. You wouldn't want to get swept in with all the boring chatter now, would you?[/color][/b]" "[b][color=turquoise]Don't bother,[/color][/b]" Reia stated rather simply, taking Lorenzo's hand as she would exit the vehicle. As she would smooth out any wrinkles that would appear, she let out a small sigh. "[b][color=turquoise]She's already made up her mind, regardless of what we have to say or what reason we may give.[/color][/b]" Lorenzo nearly fell over at Reia's rather sudden decision. Why didn't she just say that earlier?! "[b][color=darkorange]S-So...uh, let's get going?[/color][/b]" [hr] Wesley seemed very sure of himself. Nadeline wasn't as confident as he was. Perhaps it was more because she was painfully aware of her status as the weak link of the group, but she felt uneasy as Wesley would take her hand in hers, though they would begin the trek through the desert regardless. She continuously prodded Ultima as they would walk, though her Esper was as stubborn as she was. Would her and Wesley be able to handle whatever awaited them in the distance? Or was this a mistake? For the first time in her life, uncertainty had a hold over her heart and wasn't going away. She really didn't like where this was going, though she could not bring herself to object to Wesley. "[b]Coward,[/b]" Ultima scolded her. Nadeline let out a gasp, clearly surprised. "[b][color=coral]She spoke to me![/color][/b]" She told Wesley rather excitedly, though it then dawned on exactly what Ultima said. "[b][color=coral]...How very rude.[/color][/b]" "[b]I speak only to inform you that your annoying way of thinking will only serve to hamper you. At the very least, if you're going to get in the way, simply stand back and let your man do all the fighting,[/b]" Ultima chided her. Nadeline huffed. "[b][color=coral]I will NOT stand by like some idiotic damsel! I can do my part as well![/color][/b]" She retorted, and would pick up her pace to the point she was practically dragging Wesley along with her. "[b][color=coral]The very first time she chooses to speak, she insults me! The nerve, why, you would think an ancient being would at the very least have some manners![/color][/b]" She began her rant, annoyed. [hr] Keiran stepped over the body of the fallen Urutan-Yensa, letting out a low whistle of approval. He grinned, though he had to jog to keep up with Emiri. The girl was dragging her sword behind, little more than determination keeping her going at this point. She wielded the darkness like a true professional, and he had to admit himself proud. But the heat was an entirely different story, and even he was starting to feel some of the effects. As if reading his thoughts, Emiri would halt, turning around to look at him. Keiran gave her an apologetic smile, though the pair would then settle on a spot under the massive oil rig. Emiri leaned against the metal, sliding down into a sitting position. It was cool to the touch, giving her a much needed cooling. The sun was particularly brutal today, and she would desummon her sword. She eyed Keiran for a moment, and he would look at her curiously. "[b]I'm surprised,[/b]" He admitted as he was sit down next to her. "[b]You would stop, even if for a moment, despite the circumstances.[/b]" She would motion towards the literal path of death she left behind. "[b][color=palevioletred]As if Lola would dispatch those things as easily. I need to be in good condition to face her...it's no good if I'm tired,[/color][/b]" She admitted, brushing her bangs aside with her hand. "[b][color=palevioletred]Just a moment's reprieve...and then, onwards.[/color][/b]" Keiran nodded in agreement, stretching his arms above his head. Boy, was having a physical body cumbersome. He almost wished he had a female one; at the very least, he would have something to look at. His own eyes wandered over Emiri's body, though he was surprised to find that she ended up falling asleep. No, he shouldn't have been surprised, she should have been tired. She used a lot of magicks in her fight against Shion, and there's only so much one still getting used to their powers could do. At the very least, his master should be happy. That was all that mattered, after all.