[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0kWMa0r.png[/img] [color=crimson][h3][b][i][u] Miss Chikage Akane [/u][/i][/b][/h3][/color] [/center] [color=crimson]"Ara, ara~ Life is nothing without some drama, don't say you don't like it, Aria~"[/color] Chikage replied Aria's warm greetings with a tease of her own. The elder Youkai uncrossed her legs, before crossing them the other way around one more time, disregarding the fact that her choice of Chinese dress left her undergarments --of fine, black silk-- exposed whenever she shifted positions on her current resting place. Or, maybe, was she aware and doing it either way? [color=crimson]"That said, I guess the answer to your Chasers' questions is. Ahem..."[/color] Chikage cleared her throat dramatically, to prepare the audience to her next segment. [color=crimson]"Simply put, I'm the wise mentor character type. If I get panicky, you can be sure that one of two things happened: the world got screwed beyond the point of no return or, the tax collectors knocked on my door. Like Aria said, YTC aren't the ones behind the deal, though the culprit eludes even my senses for the time being. All I did was come with an forward notice, right?"[/color] [color=crimson]"Well now, since the confusion is solved. Let us go with the usual job handing session, shall we?"[/color] Chikage winked before pointing to the backdoor, where the mission board laid. Four different posters were attached to it: [list] [*] [b]The Fast and the Furious - C Rank:[/b] Go to the Old Industrial District and take care of the Yellow Jackets... again. [b]Reward:[/b] A Racing Motorcycle. [*] [b][i]La Fille d'Enfer[/i] - D Rank:[/b] The are reports of mysterious disappearances on a luxury teenage girls' clothing store, on the Downtown. All of the reported disappeared on the evening, around the time of the shop's closing. The Police has no clues or interest on the case, but there are chances that Youkai may be behind it. [b]Reward:[/b] 500,000. [*] [b]Flushed Away - C Rank:[/b] There are some gossip about a toilet factory being haunted by unknown spirits, at the Outskirts. Go there and investigate it. [b]Reward:[/b] A lifetime worthy of premium toilet paper is good enough? [*] [b][Special] Bad Apple - ??? Rank:[/b] Stories have been roaming around a ghost mansion somewhere on the Crimson Sky, just outside of Dangeki City's limits. No one knows the truth about it, but those who found the mansion never returned. [b]Reward:[/b] To be discussed. [/list] Once she was done with the mission handing, Chikage turned to Elliot, appearing beside the Chaser in the blink of an eye, at the same time that the Youkai's head disappeared mysteriously. [color=crimson]"I like your energy, Elliot-chan~ If you ever feel like playing like a big kid... you know where to find me. Fufufu~"[/color] And then, after twirling a blood soaked index on the youth's cheek, Chikage was gone, the same way she came, dissolved in the dark of the night. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] [color=hotpink]"Hehe, like hell I'll."[/color] Was Ellie's reply to Dinky asking her to do menial chores unbefitting of her position. [color=hotpink]"I'm the barista here, y'hear me? Until the day when tigers grow wings and fly, I'm the one who calls the shots. Fufufu~"[/color] The succubus gloated. [color=hotpink]"Anyway, I'll agree with you on this one. The property damage is going to your tab, sir~ Naturally, we are going to discount it from the reward of the previous job, along with maintenance fees and all that stuff..."[/color] Ellie drew a calculator and tapped away at the keys with furious speed, before drawing a paper envelope and handing it to Elliot. [color=hotpink]"This leaves you with a remainder of... 50,000 yen."[/color] The demon girl smiled charmingly, baring her sharp fangs that made clear she was a bit more than a mere succubus. [color=hotpink]"Oh, Master? I thought you would be asleep for a bit more? If you mean that fox, I have my eyes on her already. In fact, I've sent a message that should be arriving at her temple right about now."[/color] Ellie wondered if the next time she should add more 'spices' to her master's sweets, more or less just as a paper plane arrived by Mako's feet. Inside of it, written in bold black letters was a simple message that anyone would get: [center][h2][b][u][i][color=hotpink]"GET OVER HERE, WE HAVE CAKE~"[/color][/i][/u][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] [@TheWindel] [@Aether Spawn] [@Lonewolf685] [@RoflsMazoy] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Heap241] [@Ebonsquire] [@MacDuffy] [@BubbleGumKing] [@Ent] [@Kyuubey] [@liferusher]