[color=olivedrab]So the town was a bust. To make matters worse, she never told Lily her character's name or class since she was undecided before she went to the cafe. Thus, she'd have to spot Lily, or rather [i]Snow White[/i] first. Though Frau S doubted she'd have much difficulty as the girl rarely varied her characters in games. Perhaps that was why Frau S chose to be a Cantor, a class capable of support and some healing, to complement Lily who [i]always[/i] played the healer. Yet the dark elf's lips formed a sardonic, self deprecating grin nonetheless. Taking a path out of town, one she noted players entering from, she hoped to find her friend. None of the usual commands for bringing up menus worked, oddly enough. Although she could've sworn she read the basic commands earlier... Likely, she got it mixed up with another game. Shrugging, she'd figure it out eventually. She always did. The trees softly swayed in gentle breezes, her—if memory served right—dark red, nearly black, eyes became transfixed. In the town, she didn't have time to pay attention to the [i]insanely awesome[/i] little details that Chronicles of Eden possessed for she had to examine [i]every[/i] name she could find. The forest proved wider, freer. She felt like a [i]real[/i] adventurer. If she were to emulate her character's persona— [/color] [right][h3][quote=@medalliah] "Chesa? Chesa? Are you there? Where are we?" [/quote][/h3][/right] [color=olivedrab]Only one person would call that name! Cesira ran to the voice, assuming that the game could decently mimic how far sound traveled and whatnot. Regardless, she called back, "Lily~" [/color]