[hr][h3][color=a36209]Abraham Gene[/color][/h3][sub][@SepticGentleman][/sub][hr] Abraham looked towards the approaching man at the prompting of his voice. "Poster caught your eye, stranger?" Indeed, though this time it was the man's own head that enraptured Abe's attention. The guy was wearing a mask on his face. He wondered if he planned on blowing something up or was just so hideously ugly that he hid behind it. Whatever the case, security wasn't jumping on the guy, so whatever his reason was didn't matter to him. Strange, sure, but Abe was in space now. The bar of expectations of [i]weirdness[/i] should be set pretty high by now. He looked at the man (though he was not quite sure where to look at) with a smirk, then back at the poster. "With it being that orange and shiny, how could it not?" Abe replied. "Yeah, it caught my eye. So what's it about, really? This Archie guy looking for a special someone to catch some [i]hands?[/i]" Truth be told, that was one thing he learned from fighting rings on the street. Sure, it was mostly for fun and money. But people also used them as hunting grounds to scope out some able bodies to do a bit of dirty work for meager pay. He wasn't sure if such practice existed on board this station, but it was big. Big enough that some things could go missing - or some people. But public advertisement for such a recreation sounded unbelievable. There was something more to what the poster was advertising than it told us. It didn't help that it was formatted in such a way that it seemed to speak to those who already knew what it was. "I can fight," Abe continued, "but I don't like being a part of someone else's game."