[quote=@He Who Walks Behind] [hider=Procella May Kennedy] [center][h1]Procella May Kennedy[/h1] [url=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB14gfTMXXXXXcWXFXXq6xXFXXX2/Rainfreem-Impermeable-font-b-Raincoat-b-font-font-b-Women-b-font-Men-Waterproof-Trench-Coat.jpg]Click here for picture fuck bbcode[/url] [h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [center][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [b]▼ | S T A T S : |[/b] [indent][indent] [b]▸ B I R T H N A M E : | [/b] Procella May Kennedy. [b]▸ N I C K N A M E / A L I A S : |[/b] [b]▸ G E N D E R : | [/b] Female [b]▸ A G E : |[/b] 17 [b]▸ H E I G H T : |[/b] 5'2. [b]▸ W E I G H T : |[/b] 105 lbs soaking wet, which she often is. [b]▸ E T H N I C I T Y : |[/b] Caucasian, but a quarter Cherokee. [b]▸ Y E A R : |[/b] First year. [/indent][/indent] ▼ [b]| P H Y S I C A L D E S C R I P T I O N : |[/b] [indent]Procella looks like she might blow away if one strong breeze hits her, which is about as misleading as appearances can get, aside from thinking that the lisp and face tattoo make Mike Tyson seem harmless. She's got short cut brown hair that's streaked with grey - she appears to be going grey rather prematurely, but is at least doing so with style. Her nose is a bit upturned and there are a few faint freckles on her cheeks. She doesn't have a very prominent jawline and her face is more rounded. Her skin is fairly pale, and one might not guess at her grandmother's Cherokee blood. She tends to stand with a very slight hunch, and favors her right leg. She usually stands with her arms crossed over her chest, curling in just a bit, as if she were cold. She nearly always wears a rainjacket of some kind - she's cold-natured, and with her slim build she usually needs it to stay warm. Procella's eyes are a dull blue-green, and she has pretty ugly fingernails from chewing on them. Bad habits. She has a scar on the palm of her left hand and on the outside of her right leg from a time, jagged, but usually not too noticeable (the right leg scar is on her thigh and hidden unless one were, ah, getting to know Procella). She suffers from an incurable genetic condition most commonly known as resting bitch face. She generally isn't too expressive, which doesn't help much. Not the most approachable. Her coat and - to a lesser degree, her hair - tend to sway and ripple a bit even when Procella is sitting still, as if a gust of wind was perpetually rushing them. This usually isn't super noticeable, but is more prominent when Procella loses her cool. She has a tattoo of a thunderbird that spans her back and the right side of her chest, similar to [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=phoenix+chest+tattoo&safe=off&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMuPLvxJ_RAhVJ6oMKHeZtAiEQ_AUICCgB&biw=1745&bih=864#imgrc=wDstqNjXn4WrwM%3A]this.[/url][/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [b]▼ | P E R S O N A L I T Y : | [/b] [indent]Procella is a bit broody. She's not mean, just slow to warm up to people and never good at initiating conversations. She tends to be slightly self-conscious - as most teenagers, and, hell, adults - often are, and usually questions the motives of people coming up and striking conversations. The positive side is that Procella is very unlikely to be ensnared into a timeshare seminar. The downside is that she's not exactly a social butterfly. Procella tends to be more of a thinker than a doer - she plans and mulls over her choices before committing one way or another. This makes finding a place to eat with her nightmarish and playing board games with her similar nightmarish. She's got a pretty dark sense of humor, which can alienate some people who, understandably, take her seriously. She's not averse to making friends, just not particularly good at it, and slow to open up. This can make her a little easily manipulated on that front. She's fairly clever and has a good work ethic, and generally does well in classes. Prefers to think things rather than to say them, and has admiration for those who can put themselves out there.[/indent] [b]▼ | B A C K S T O R Y : | [/b] [indent]I really hate backstories. Essentially, she grew up in a fairly decent family, but due to it being a military family, she moved around a lot and never developed a lot of lasting relationships. Close ties with her family, however. She considers her powers more of a curse and is generally afraid for how they'll impact her life, and hopes that the Promise can enable a semblance of a normal life heading out.[/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [b]▼ | P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N : | [/b] [indent]Elemental[/indent] [b]▼ | P O W E R D E S C R I P T I O N : | [/b] [indent] Procella is - as you may have noticed by the motif thus far - a walking hurricane. Her powers are usually not quite so dramatic, but a walking tropical breeze doesn't sound quite as cool. Her body is both a magnet for and a source of violent weather changes. Her ability to directly control these changes is somewhat limited - she can alter them to some degree, but isn't really capable of precise action. Her atmospheric powers are also theorized to help out on the Promise, as she could, in theory, help retain some semblance of an atmosphere if the hull was ruptured and the systems were critically damaged. Her powers give her a general immunity to electricity, but she hasn't put this into practice too much. The source of the scars on her hand and leg are from being struck by lightning while trying to test out her powers on a water tower - the lightning didn't harm her, but she fell off the ladder and hit the barbed wire fence nearby; she may shrug off a taser, but it could still cause her to seize up a bit or flinch. Procella's powers are generally focused on wind, rain, and lightning (the ladder to a much lesser degree) but she has produced hail on occasion. It wouldn't be technically accurate to call her power "atmospheric manipulation", as that implies a greater degree of finesse and control than she really has, but it's not entirely off the mark. She could, with time and experience, learn to willfully alter more subtle nuances of the air around her, like humidity, or produce more specific weather effects, like hail, etc. As is, these are mostly accidental byproducts. Her "lower level" powers are useful but mostly situational. She, when angry, can accidentally discharge electricity, but not like hurling lightning bolts or anything. She could probably ruin a computer by poking it if she was really furious, and if she was hand-to-hand fighting for her life, could zap her target pretty well (or, more likely, they'd get zapped trying to grab her - she's not much of a fighter). Procella, if properly hydrated, could also exude a decent amount of mist, which would be more her speed - rather than trying to fight and running the risk of killing herself or someone else, she could slip away. She can affect the temperature and humidity to some degree, but not with a lot of precision. While likely not of much use on the Promise, her ability to affect the wind could pretty severely fuck up any long-range sniping. She could also probably manage to produce a bout of thunder at will, which has little direct impact, but has its uses. Her ability to "generate weather" can also lend itself to some creative uses - she's clever and practical enough to figure out ways to sustain herself without breathing, and could probably make her scent near-impossible to follow if she put her mind to it. Chemical weapons used against Procella would likely not be very effective, as she could pretty easily turn toxic gas back on her attackers (see: any use of mustard gas in WWI when the breeze was blowing). [/indent] [indent][b]Limits[/b][/indent] Firstly, we'll talk about the "inertia" of her power. Procella generally doesn't like going all-out, because she doesn't have much control over things once they get to that level. Her lack of precision has hurt others and herself in the past, so she's less than totally willing to go to that level. Once things start really rolling, it's hard for her to just flip it off - when the air starts circulating, the pressure drops, etc, it takes considerable energy to reverse that. Maintaining and reaching that level is very energy-exhausting as well, and requires a bit of focus. Active weather manipulation takes a lot of concentration on her part - if someone was running at her, she wouldn't really be able to whip up a hurricane to stop them in the span of a few seconds. In a large melee, she could duck into a corner and start working her magic, but in a one on one confrontation, her options are more limited. She's got the potential to be a better direct fighter, but has had little training and shied away from really fine-tuning her abilities, or the more creative applications of her abilities. Procella is immune to her own abilities, but not to the repercussions of them - very few buildings tend to withstand hurricane force winds, so if Procella goes full-strength, she runs the risk of dropping a building on herself. Again, less of a problem in the Promise, but debris flying around can still do plenty of damage to her. This coupled with her aversion of using her abilities means she probably won't go full force unless she's truly furious or in severe danger of her own life. Procella's limp also inhibits her fighting abilities a bit, and makes her more cautious to get into a confrontation. [center][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3][/center] [indent]Procella has a limp from falling off the water tower, and occasionally uses a cane, but sometimes doesn't - she doesn't want to get labelled the cripple girl, after all.[/indent] [/hider] [/quote] I fixed up the link and got rid of the excess indent tags.