[i][b]Hello chillens! [/b][/i] [b]About me[/b] -I'm well over 18, I'd prefer you be over 18 as well, and so will our characters. -I'm literate/advanced whatever you want to call it, I dun write goodly! -I draw most of my characters, I don't care what you do for yours, written description, photos, ect, but don't try and make me do the same. -I'm cool with smut, plot-related smut is the best kind! Gore and violence are usually a-ok as well. -I fucking love to plan shit in RPs. Come to me with a plot or character or idea and be willing to play extra characters or move the story forward. I like surprises and organic story growth, but I have limits too. -PM me! That's the fastest way to get my attention. Come with an idea or character or something to start with though. [b]What I'd like from you[/b] -Promptness. I'd like a post a day, obviously that's not always possible, but forewarning can go far. I just can't wait a week between replies, I get so damn bored. -Literate. My default is a few paragraphs a post, but if you're on often I'm more than willing to do quick posts or speedposting with only a paragraph or two. -No Submissives. My guys are guys, I want your guys to be guys. I do like playing against more aggressive or dom-ish kinda guys though. -No character sheets. Give me a name and what they look like, it can even be in your first post, I don't care, I jsut won't fill out a form. -No tiny asian twinks. Just... don't ask, I've had problems with this before. [b]Pairs and ideas[/b] Beauty and the Beast- Literally any era/setting, and by no means does the beast have to become human at the end. Prince/Dragon- Old staple of mine, but I specifically want to be the Prince. Vampires and/or Werewolves- Maybe I'm a little nostalgic for the old cliched rps, just, hopefully, with more plot this time? Arraigned marriage- Yeah, while still being MxM, we'll figure something out. No m-preg though, it can be [i]possible[/i], but I refuse to play it out. Celebrity/non-fan- Bonus points if the celebrity is in a homophobic field (like sports or country music). I'd prefer to be the non-fan. Pretty much the only plot I will do without any magic or fantasy added in. Obsessed/victim- Very unhealthy, problematic pairing, I'm looking for someone that can do crazy (Mob-boss? Hitman? Crime lord? Something high-profile and powerful)! I'd prefer the victim, but he's not going to be naive or innocent, I'd like him to end up nearly as unhinged. Probably won't have a happy ending. Mute character- Bit of a test of skill, really, to see if I can portray a character like that. Crossdresser- Straight up, I really just want to play a crossdresser? I'd love if your character meets him dressed both feminine and masculine and doesn't realize they're the same person. Superpowers/magic- As a concept, add it to any of my plots and I'll be happier, I love modern magical settings. A/B/O- Shoot me, I've never done this, I want to figure out why the hell this is a thing at all. I'd like to play a beta to an alpha, see where that takes us. Possibly just a short plotlette. Other- Literally, just throw ideas and plots or characters at me, I can probably whip something up.