[hider=Mia Lough] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c46e199ddf447131dad569b82b140894/tumblr_o2k8cmFQLo1swwx3co3_250.png[/img] [h3][color=bc8dbf][b] Mia || Female || 3.1 [/b][/color][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mia Lough [b]Birthdate and Age:[/b] February 19, 17 [b]Physical Appearance[/b]: Long black hair and deep brown eyes Mia is usually wearing a hip-hop style. She's a bit tall for an Asian standing at 5'11. She is rarely seen without those glasses unless she's at practice or a game. [b]Personality:[/b] Mia has a pretty large sense of humor being the joker of any group she’s in. Tending to hang out and get along with guys better she gets invited to a lot of parties. She’s kind of a bitch and is definitely confident with herself. [b]Biography:[/b] Mia, surprise, was born a male, but doesn’t really talk about it unless she’s using the fact to diss someone else or make a joke. She grew up with her aunt after her parents decided they couldn’t afford to raise her due to her father’s health issues and giving their child the best life was important to them. She joined the football team in middle school and soon after came out. Her aunt always inspired her and is probably the major reason Mia is so confident. Right now she’s just trying to enjoy her time at Blackwell and keep her grades up. [hr] [b]Dorm Room:[/b] Mia’s dorm is a disaster and in the mess you’d probably find a few things that aren’t exactly legal. Her walls are decked out with posters of her icons along with even the ceiling having a few posters that didn’t fit. Her bed is a simple mattress and a pile of about ten different blankets. [b]Powers:[/b] Erasing Memory - At times she can erase a small span of memory depending on the severity of the situation. Example: Say someone stole something from you or you witnessed someone doing something. Poof! It's gone. [b]Elective Class:[/b] Art through the Ages and Expression [b]Activities:[/b] The Vortex Club (Possibly/Pending), Art Club, Wide Receiver on the Football team (Softball wasn’t good enough for her.) [b]Other:[/b] Her FC and VC is Awkwafina [/hider] Tell me if I need to change anything.