[center][h2] [color=a36209]Walgrave[/color] [/h2][/center] [@Flamelord] [hr] It took a while for the full party to finally assemble in the room that bore the strange enigma which would carry them across space and time. Walgrave studied the glowing object with undivided curiosity. It had been a while since he had seen any Mystic Code which simply baffled him, and despite expecting it, he was fairly enthralled when the thing was finally in view. Here was a Mystery which very possibly surpassed the Servants themselves. He pulled himself away from his contemplations of the strange Sorcery to contemplate a decision between the two missions. Glancing over at his Russian Servant he reached one easily enough. His Servant would be far more suited to the cold north than the blazing heat of humanity's cradle. The same was true of him in the end. [color=a36209]"I will be... hmmmmm, accompanying the expedition to the North." [/color] He announced, before he went back to gazing deeply into the glowing orb at the center of the room. [hr] [h2][center][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/center][/h2] [@ShadowKingman] [hr] Sinfjotli surveyed the gathered company and the glimmering artifact that they had been gathered around, with anticipation. The entire room was full of an unmistakable excitement, and on the eve of battle even his brief humiliation at the feast table could do nothing to dampen his spirits. He was resplendent once more, armor shining, gold glittering in the light of the mysterious orb, and easy smile on his face as he squared his shoulders with his mailed hands on his hips. Behind him his Master followed, staying just behind and to the left of him. For the others perhaps they would have debates regarding where it was they would go, but for Sinfjotli there was no question. As if the gods had planned it, opening the way to his old homeland, this twist of fate had brought him a step closer to his true wish. It was true that this land was not his actual homeland, but it was just adjacent, and moreover, it was of the same culture and mythical substance as his own legend. It was a place where glory could be won on his own terms. It was a place where the eyes of his own gods could once again be drawn... a place where ragnarock could be achieved. [color=fff200]"I am for the Northland."[/color] He said, throwing his head back and broadcasting his voice across the entire room. [color=fff200]"Let any who would follow me beware, there are none stronger than those who dwell in the north, and Woden will stalk the battlefield where I tread."[/color] [hr] [center][h2] [color=00aeef]Pavel Dumitru[/color] [/h2][/center] [@ADamnFiddle] [hr] Pavel looked back and forth across the assembly chamber nervously. He had gone and been late! What a miserable way to introduce himself to such a company. The Wizard Marshal was right in front of him and he hadn't even made an introduction to the man! What would his family say? The large gathering of what he assumed were powerful mages was even further blown away by the gathering of Servants. These mysterious spirit homunculi, he couldn't make heads or tails of them, but he could tell that they were powerful! It was all a little too much too quickly, and he found himself mostly bungling his brief introduction to the creature he was told he would be managing. The man was... blue... for lack of a better description, with a fierce gleam in his eye. The Căpcăun had growled deep in its throat when it laid eyes on him, but had backed away whimpering slightly when the man turned his crimson gaze back on it. That had given Pavel chills. There wasn't much that his pet wasn't eager to attack. He had never seen it react in fear before, and for the first time he had been forced to use prana to compel the beast to not flee with its tail tucked between its legs. It didn't help his alarm much when the scary blue man started draining his mana at an alarming rate through his new contract. Between all this when the time came to declare which realm he meant to travel to he drew a total blank, and gave the blue man who was supposedly accompanying him a questioning look.