Savayna never did light stealth. She had always preferred to meet the enemy head-on as she had done at the front gate. But due to her annoyance of a shoulder injury and the realization that they were heavily out-numbered, she took the advice of Grant, Zeromus, and even her own esper, Mateus to refrain from attacking head-on. Instead, they would fly so high that no scanner on the ground, eyes of the Brotherhood, or any combination of the former two, would be able to spot them. That didn’t mean she couldn’t express her concerns about it, which she had been doing the entire time. “[color=lightblue]You boys are so cowardly. We have the power to take them out. Why don’t we just do it and be done with it?[/color]” Savayna complained, letting out a sigh of exaggerated annoyance. “[color=7ea7d8]Because you’re hurt. Because they have more manpower than us. [/color]” Mateus said, not hiding his annoyance towards Savayna. “[color=7ea7d8]And because we put it to a vote. You lost 3-1. Grant is in charge. And if he says we scout for a way in without being caught, then that’s what we’re going to do.[/color]” Savayna scoffed, “[color=lightblue]fine.[/color]” She said, looking at Grant, [color=lightblue]“so, [i]great leader[/i], what are we to do next? Or have you lost your manly bits to command a woman and two flying beasts?[/color]” Savayna said, clearly still annoyed. [hr] “[color=a0410d]Do not frown, Nadeline Roselia. The High Seraph, while she may be blunt about it, knows the strength you have. We both saw it in Giruvegan. It is why she chose you over the Blue Rose.[/color]” Hashmaal said, trying to ignore the scoffs he heard from Ultima. “[color=a0410d]She simply wants you to start believing that. Because, there will come a time —[/color]” Hashmaal stopped dead in his tracks, hearing something off in the distance. “[color=fff79a]What is it, Hashmaal?[/color]” “[color=a0410d]The source of that foul Mist has stopped.[/color]” “[color=fff79a]Stopped how?[/color]” “[color=a0410d]Physically, it has stopped moving.[/color]” Hashmaal said, informing the others of the situation. Wesley wanted to speak, but he didn’t. Instead, he sensed what Hashmaal was talking about. And it seemed that they weren’t very far. Maybe a little less than half of a mile. Based on their position, they had just entered the Westersand. But they werne’t going to remain there for long. WEsley tracked the mist signal. They were running rather fast. In minutes, they had crossed into the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. No doubt it was some haste spell, maybe Hastaja, a spell that quadrupled the normal speed of a person for a short time. “[color=fff79a]That has to be it,[/color]” Wesley said, nodding to himself. Hashmaal glanced at Wesley. The prince glanced back, then to Nadeline. “[color=fff79a]My darling, are you capable of the Hastaga spell? I’ve pinpointed the general location of where we need to be at.[/color]” Wesley said, looking ahead. “[color=fff79a]The Ogir-Yensa Sandsea is where we need to be, but at normal speed, we won’t get there in time. A boost is what we need.[/color]” Wesley explained to Nadeline, gently smiling at her.