[sub]Hero's post[hr][/sub] For all intents and purposes, Grant was pleased with himself. Savayna was at his whim this time, and in all honesty, it felt good to have a little power over the woman who wouldn't let him have his way. At the very least, he got to choose the way they'd go, and so he chose stealth. Even if she was at full strength he preferred it this way: getting an advantage over an enemy was always the way to go. As she would ask about their next course of action, he would watch the area below them carefully. A blockade was certainly in place, but why? The best thing to do would be to find an opening, but he wasn't seeing one. He almost admitted defeat when he would get an idea. "[color=purple]The plan is rather simple, and a combination of what you and I love most about our styles: it'll employ both brutality and stealth,[/color]" He stated, instructing Zeromus to start heading down and beckoning Mateus to do the same. "[color=purple]We four will simply drop in, though you and I, Savayna, will be hidden under the Vanish spell as we infiltrate their ranks. Our espers can't be defeated per se, so even if things go south the distraction will cause enough of a ruckus that we can easily choose our next course of action.[/color]" Zeromus seemed a little hesitant. He didn't quite enjoy being little more than fodder, though he was happy to help. [hr] It was close already? Nadeline took in a deep breath in an attempt to mentally prepare herself. No going back now, and it wouldn't do to turn her heel and leave. As Wesley would inquire about Time Magick, she agreed that it was the best course for them. As she unsheathed her rapier, she would concentrate. Time Magick wasn't her specialty, but she figured the theory couldn't be too different from Green Magick. Her glyph would appear between them, the middle part scribing itself into a clock. It would tick a second forward, then a minute, then an hour, and soon the hands would spin forward rapidly. Around them, it would seem as if everything else slowed down, and she would look at Wesley. "[color=coral]Onward![/color]"