[center] [color=#6BE3E5][h1][b]Convergence: The Restoration[/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/T7lGsZx.jpg[/img] Within another realm there lies a city, one which stands alone amidst a strange sea of maddening dimensions and geometry. Many years ago, it was the seat of an empire unlike any other the world had seen. It was a city controlled by great miracle workers known as the Evocators. So great was their pride, and unchecked their ambitions, that no price was too high for power. Not even the lives of their people and their own dominion. Calling upon strange and otherworldly entities, they sacrificed the lives of thousands in exchange for secrets which would make them the envy of gods. The jewel of their empire, the capital, was torn from the world and overnight the empire fell. Stranded and abandoned by their once beloved masters, the people cried out in vengeance against those mages that were left among them. Order was slow to return, and the study of magick abhorred for centuries. Despite all this. the inhabitants continued on, reforging their once great city and protecting themselves from the dangers of their new world. Perilous landscapes, epidemics of madness and lunacy, and horrid beasts lurking at every dark corner have plagued the people of Phoria now for over half a millennium. But for all these dangers and pitfalls, the people survive, and at times have even prospered. The arts and high sciences have returned, and the study of magick finally allowed after so long, though sanctioned heavily for the people’s safety. Now the Phorians, still a shadow of their former glory, continue to search for some way to tame the land they have known as home for long. Despite their attempts at conjuration, astral projection, and scrying through the veil of that vile plane, the Phorians have had no success. Indeed it seems that contact to entities and places outside of its borders is all but impossible. As such, it was no great loss when the practices of conjuration, demonology, necromancy, and similar arts were banned. Yet by the will of some unknown entity, divine providence, or mere chance, there have been strange occurances of late. Rumors abound of strange beasts and men stalking through the city, with unusual garb and sometimes great wonders to share. They say that the mages have seen glimpses of other worlds, some beautiful, others desolate, and many strange. Some have even began to claim a return to the old world might yet be possible, but many simply dismiss the rumors as simply that. Whatever the case with these supposed outsiders, Phoria in itself holds even greater secrets. Through half a millenia, war, corruption, and infighting are inevitable within any society. Yet somehow the city still stands, and steadily progressing at that. The people can recall no great wars, nor any disaster which had rocked the core of their society, even the most dedicated historians would be hard pressed to find such an occurrence. The truth of their apparent prosperity lies in the city’s strange ability to reset itself. Should a series of events play out which lead to the fall of Phoria and its people, some force or entity returns the city-state to a time before such events began, and will do so until variable factors create a more beneficial scenario. What’s more the Phorian’s themselves have no knowledge of this, and entire lives are erased and restored when the city is reset. [/center] [hr] Hiya! I'm Yidhra! This is just a multiverse RP I've wanted to do for awhile! It is going to be very sandbox, and I really want the characters themselves to be a driving force! Feel free to mold this RP how you like, though within reason! Phoria is entering a Renaissance on your arrival, where will you be when the New Age ends? In The Heroes Guild? A College Magician? A Captain of the Town Watch? An ally of the government, or its mortal enemy? A Mercenary for the Rich and Elite? Or perhaps one of their number? [hider=Rules] 1. Every Character from another universe has just arrived. 2. You can be someone from Phoria, but it'd be best to wait until the OOC is here to work on their application 3. High-Powered characters are allowed. 4. Followers are allowed for low-powered characters. 5. Cross multiverse travel is up to the mods, but don't expect to be visiting other universes in this RP! But, if you have a good idea, it isn't impossible to get things from them! 6. You're totally allowed to incorporate magic, technology, and artifacts into your character. This is so a lot of low-powered characters can get a big boost long term. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] The character's name [b]Title:[/b] Do your character has a title for which they are famous of? It's fine to leave it in blank. [b]Gender:[/b] What is the character's gender? [b]Appearance: [/b]What does the character look like? Either an image or description is allowed. [b]Personality:[/b] What is your character personality? What is his/her like and dislikes? [b]Ideals: [/b]What does the character believe in? And what do your character aspires for? [b]Biography:[/b] What is their story? [b]Powers:[/b] What can the character do? [b]Weapons: [/b]What kind of weapons does the character bring with them? [b]Equipment: [/b]What kind of items, besides weapons, does the character have on them? [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] The universe the character comes from, if they come from the city itself, leave this blank. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QBCUCqL.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Key] 00) The Frontier- Any area still within the confines of regular space, but not fully tamed by the city. Hardy frontiersmen, veteran soldiers, heroes and mercenaries alike flock to this area in search of pay, fame, or a homestead. What lies beyond it can only be called madness. With most historical Phorian campaigns aimed southward, most remaining pressure on the city comes from its north-east. [i](All grey areas on the map are frontier)[/i] 1) The Government’s Seat- The political center of Phoria, where nobility and public officials gather to discuss the affairs of state. It is here the course of daily life is decided by the wise and the landed. 2) Foederati District- The designated residence for all non-human occupants of Phoria. Citizens of all shapes and sizes live here, ranging from lower to middle class. 3) Manufacturing District- A place of crafting, metalwork, sculpting, and similar trades. Here the weapons are forged, the bricks cut, and tools readied for use. 4) Military Quarter- Barracks and training ground for Phoria’s armed forces. Here citizens, mercenaries, and heroes train and test their mettle in preparation for the horrors outside the city’s walls.. 5) Artisan District- Here dwell the merchants, artists, tutors, many who make a living through trade or sponsorship. Fine homes inhabited by those wealthy enough to own what they have. 6) Bazaar- The center of trade and commerce within the city. Here craftsmen and merchants of all sorts can be found peddling their wares. 7) House of the Undying Flame- Here lies the only surviving Temple of a bygone age, dedicated to the Goddess of Home and Hearth. From here priests perform rituals and citizens give offerings in exchange for protection of their abodes, be they hovel or mansion. 8) The College- The place of learning for those who wish to master the arcane arts, under the careful watch of city officials of course. The nature of magick, supernatural entities, and the plane itself are taught here. 9) Equites District- The palaces and manors of the wealthy, filled with the footsteps of servants and the luxuries of high-society. There is as much power here as any government building. 10) Freemen District- The dwellings for the majority of Phoria’s populations. Tradesmen, manual laborers, scribes, etc. Peasants of all shapes and sizes live in these small but hospitable homes. 11) The Slums- A den of the sick, dying, disenfranchised and dishonest. Whether by cruel fate or their own shortcomings, the people here live hard lives in dirty hovels barely fit for habitation. 12) Entertainment District- A section of the city catered toward both the wealthiest and poorest of Phoria. Contains an amphitheater, parks, music and dancing halls, and a very popular hippodrome. 13) Farmland- The source of most of the people’s food and agricultural goods. Vital to Phoria’s survival, and heavily guarded by the nobles who hold it. Areas not dominated by farms have villas, plantations, and vineyards owned by the wealthy landowners in the city. 14) House of Vorenus(Defunct)- ??? 15) University- A place of general learning, dialogue, and debate. From philosophy, to history, and the natural sciences, those with the mind and drive for knowledge attend lectures by respected men of learning. 16) House of Antius- ??? 17) House of Philothei- ??? 18) House of Matius- ??? 19) House of Varius- ??? 20) Cives Foederati- Here wealthy and influential non-human citizens live. While not nearly as powerful as their human counterparts, they hold much sway with their respective communities. 21) Staging Grounds- Various camps located outside the city walls and along the borders of the farmland. Here defenders and frontiersmen scout the wilds and stand ready to defend and warn Phoria. The logistical frontline for any hero or soldier heading toward the frontier. 22) The Harbor- Another section dominated by farmland, but also partially urbanized and the hub for all water-faring vessels. Typically these are simple fishing vessels, with the odd warship here and there. 23) The Territories- Formerly the southern frontier of Phoria, it is still rife with terrible beasts and a some what treacherous landscape. Still, it has become realtively civilized due to the efforts of many heroes and military campaigns, making it suitable land for new farms. Ownership of this huge hunk of land is a source of conflict for the noble houses. [/hider]