Though he didn’t like it, Mateus would silently accept the role he played in this strategy. Savayna would hear him scoff, as if he didn’t accept the role completely. She shrugged, seing as this being the perfect plan. Grant was right. It was a mix of both things they enjoyed. He would get his fill of stealth, and Savayna would be able to do what she did best: kick ass and take names. “[color=lightblue]Since you’re leading the charge, after you.[/color]” Savayna said, waiting to follow Grant’s lead. [hr] It always felt strange for Wesley whenever he was enhanced by a time magick spell. Whether it was slow, stop, or haste, there was always a certain feeling he got. Slow made him nauseous. Stop gave him the weirdest sense of vertigo, but when it came to haste, one could say that WEsley exhibited symptoms akin to that of high-energy adrenaline. And it only was more evident the higher the tier of the spell. After the second tier, WEsley got loud. Not only loud, but all previous doubts that Wesley had been adopting a Jaakuna-like persona underneath his usually-eloquent one would otherwise be tossed out the window. The classy gentleman of Dalmasca got just as hyper, just as wild as his friend. Maybe it was the rush of the spell or how time blurred around him, but running that fast past any and all desert-dwellers made him feel a certain kind of power that would probably make those around him wary. “[color=fff79a]This is incredible![/color]” Wesley would yell at a volume that was unnecessary. Wesley felt himself not having any care int he world. He was laughing at a high volume, even going as far as to jump high, flipping in ways no one would even consider he was capable of. All he was missing was a red jacket and blonde hair, and Wesley might be considered as Jaakuna Junior. But alas, like all good things, the rush he felt, the speed he had, was gone. It was at the right time, of course, but WEsley felt severely disappointed by this. A part of him liked the speed, but all was well in a moment. When the rush passed, as did the disappointment and Jaakuna-like persona. Taking a moment to collect himself, WEsley, once again, found himself paralyzed. “[color=fff79a]Not again,[/color]” Wesley gritted under his breath. “[color=fff79a]Before it was putrid but tolerable, but now..[/color]” WEsley found his strength weakened. Not only that but everything in him was screaming “turn around”. Of course he couldn’t listen, not when the source of this morbid mist was in the distance. If he turned away now, Wesley would never be able to face his country. SOmething this wicked cannot be allowed to roam free. “[color=fff79a]We..must..go now.[/color]” Each step Wesley took was a struggle. Even with the aid of Hashmaal making up for his lost strength and stamina, it was difficult. Half as fast as he was in a normal, brisk walk, WEsley moved slowly, gritting his teeth, breathing heavily, and found his chest wa sheavy. After about ten steps, Wesley fell to his knees, sweating profusely. [hr] [color=9e0b0f][i]Keiran you fool.[/i][/color] The Creature waited above the skies where Zodiark’s influence gathered above the Dalmasca Westersand, Dalmasca Estersand, and the vast Sandsea of Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa. The Influence woudl be felt all aorund. Those with alignments to the light would most surely feel it. Those with the Unlocked Seals more so than those their Scion Seals still locked. The clouds themselves cast a great shadow over the sea of sand, giving its entirety a dimming of color display. It was similar to that of a very cloudy day. As The Creature watched with many eyes on the ground, it simply observed as The Bringer of Order and The High Seraph’s hosts landed in the epicenter of what it had been building for several hours. It also took note to how they were merely half of a mile away from where Keiran and the Time Scion were. “[color=9e0b0f]How very interesting.[/color]” The Creature mused. It pondered on the course of action it should take. Direct Keiran to their direction and have an interesting confrontation or lead them opposite and let the plans go without inturruption. The Creature was sure The Dark One wouldn’t mind either. His will flowed storng through The Creature. “Do as you see best,” The Creature heard The Dark One say to it. “[color=9e0b0f]Very well.[/color]” The Creature had said in response. Two pulses of invisible, corrupted Mist was sent throughout the Sandsea. The first was a non-harmful sort. It was directed at Keiran, which would give him the push to a certain direction that happened to be where Wesley and Nadeline were at. The second would be directed towards Nadeline. This one, however, wasn't harmfree. In fact, it was completely the opposite. when it would reach her, first it would give her a minute of paralysis, forbidding her to move. Even if she tried, she would fail. then, it would send her images of what The Time Scion did today. It would be images of her fighting Aloa, of her fighting Shion, of her using her power on her father. It would be the words she spoke to those people, words she spoke to herself. But it would leave out everything that those others said to her to try to get the Time Scion to stop it. Completely one-sided, it was. Let the games begin, Heretic Sympathizers.