Leonid looked at Otto earnestly awaiting his reply and... he was interrupted by damn lowlife thugs getting their things. He sighed, his breath freezing in the air. He opened his mouth to speak but then caught sight of Otto reaching for his blade. He made eye contact with the man and then shook his head earnestly. Even if he did succeed in killing the man upon him, and somehow Leonid managed to kill one of the others then still, by now one or both of them would get an arrow or an axe in them... maybe both. He scratched at his chin, and looked at the man with a calculating stare. "Well, see, this is a very funny thing, quite, yes indeed." he said, lowering his hand from his chin and staring at the man before him. He didn't have a plan beyond "get warm enough so that I can at least move my hands should push come to shove." Finally, he had to continue for otherwise they would realise he was stalling. Slowly however, the upper class socialite in him began to stir. "First off, if you kill him then it would give the Teutons more reason to kill everything in the area and remove any business you got." Then he straightened out, getting a hold of himself. "Next, you will probably get yourself killed as the Livonian Order forces are just a few miles away, and how happy will they be when they catch you, and do just a little investigation, eh?" he asked, smiling suspiciously. "Finally, if you want me to help you bypass your patrols you need to keep us alive, he's my serf and clerk and knows most of my dealings. You [i]need[/i] us, so I recommend you best treat us well." he crossed his arms, hoping his lack of submissiveness would shock them enough to make them agree with his words.