[center] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/9/9c/Styx_(Anime).png/revision/latest?cb=20121228072246][/img] [h1][color=00aaff] Father Niccolo [/color][/h1] [color=00aaff]"It is a pleasure to meet you, Barnabas, I am Father Niccolo! I am the Priest of the Church on top of the hill. "[/color] The Priest gave a smile. It was rare to actually interact with people outside of shopping. Nobody ever actually visited his church, so it wasn't like he spoke to people in such a casual setting. The Father was going to accept the other's handshake, but as he was reaching in, he noticed that his attention was diverted. Niccolo placed his gaze over to where Branabas put his. They were giving out some sort of missions? Fine by him, it wasn't really like him to intervene with others. However, his curiosity did make him head towards the board. A little curiosity wouldn't be the end of him, however, two of these missions seemed to be of the utmost importance to him. The disappearances, as well as the ghost mansion, seemed to have been hurting the people of Dangeki the most. This meant that the Priest needed to intervene, and make sure that whatever was causing this needed to be stopped. Sadly, he couldn't go to both, so which one would he take? One seemed to be a bit more direct, but it did have the Police working on it. This means that there was a lot more attention towards it, so it was possible that it could be figured out by the Police alone. While it wasn't the Father's best reasoning, it seemed as though it had better odds of being dealt with. This meant that the mansion was the remaining choice, and the option Niccolo was going to choose. Whoever was behind this mansion was going to be stopped, Niccolo promised the Lord that he would never let harm come to innocents. [color=00aaff]"If it isn't too much of a bother, I'd like the special mission. I refuse to let innocent people get hurt just by discovering a mansion. "[/color] Of course, if just discovering the mansion meant you went missing, how did Chikage know about it? It was something that the Priest could figure out later, after dealing with whatever was inside of this mansion. It also seemed like his new friend Branabas was also going to the Mansion. This would surely mean more human interaction! [@TheWindel] [@Aether Spawn] [@Lonewolf685] [@RoflsMazoy] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Heap241] [@Ebonsquire] [@MacDuffy] [@BubbleGumKing] [@MacDuffy] [@liferusher] [@KoL] [@Letter Bee] [@CorpusMundum] [/center]