Here's a rough description of the original guardians. Keep in mind, Anora is different from them in that she is able to generate her own energies. The original guardians derived all of their power completely from Pahn. Her abilities are simply amplified as her magic was given a form to follow right from the start along with a connection to someone whom can easily enhance her with their own stores of power (Pahn). In my universe concept, many people go their whole lives without utilizing magic, let alone on the scale that Anora does with ease. Her 'protective' instincts come from her still filling the form of an old guardian. These instincts will fade as her power becomes more of her own design. [u]Guardians:[/u] Created in the second age as vessels to receive pahn's unused power during his 'eternal slumber'. Their individual forms of being allowed his power to take many unique forms when utilized. Four had survived by the end of the second age. Their sole duties were as follows. They were bound by contract to follow them. This contract is how they obtained their powers from Pahn. -Guard Mount Othrys. Pahn's resting place. -Keep Earth safe/clear from large-scale threats. -Maintain order for any developing society as a whole. [u]Descendant Guardians:[/u] Numerous guardians had children. These offspring were often born with the trait to use their own magic in result of exposure to Pahn's energy. They were born with the instincts to follow all rules instilled in the guardians before them, but not bound by contract. Though weak at first, many of these individuals grew to have considerable strength. Due to magics slow development, and the cataclysm of the third age, next-to-none have survived to our present day. [u]Titans:[/u]Two guardians named as Gaia and Uranus had sixteen children, each with their own abilities to use magic. Twelve were offered to Pahn under a separate contract to maintain relations and peace in outer-space. They were given the title of 'titan'. These titans inevitably had children of their own, thus creating the gods of greek mythology as we know them. Unbound by contract and law. Four children were imprisoned, or somehow tied, to a place known as Tartarus by their parents before being forgotten entirely deep within it's holdings. I understood all of that about her power, though, I do appreciate the reiteration. What I should have asked is this: If Anora, or at least, the faculties behind Anora's powers, were at a god-like level, what would they be like? How would an ultra-powerful form of Anora's abilities look? What would it's general image be shown as? I have a few ideas, but I just don't want to write anything that makes you think 'that's wrong' or 'that could be definitely be different'. I'm guessing you won't mind what I go with, but if you have a general set of rules like 'it can't be this shape or move in that way', then I'd like to hear them. Otherwise, I'll just go with what I already have. Obviously you're meant to develop Anora's strengths as you go. This is a past form of her powers that have no effect on how she actually uses them now when they've been more fleshed out.