The cooperation was appreciated, though he could live without the sass. Nonetheless he would nod in agreement, his gun at the ready with Zeromus' glyph glowing on his hand. His Esper and himself were in sync, and Grant would climb on top of his shoulders, a magical glyph appearing underneath him. A similar one would appear beneath Savayna, and Grant would motion the two Espers to go forth. As they would go, Grant's first spell was cast just before they became visible: "[b][color=purple]Gravity![/color][/b]" He called, leaving himself and Savayna in mid air as their Espers would drop to the ground. After mentally counting out the time, the Gravity spell would begin to wane, and the pair would slowly begin to sink. "[b][color=purple]Vanishga![/color][/b]" Came his next spell, wrapping himself and Savayna in a cloak of invisibility. The pair would be able to touch on the ground just as Gravity would expire. Time to get things going. [hr] "[b][color=coral]Wesley![/color][/b]" Nadeline called out to him, immediately rushing to the man as he fell to his knees. As she extended her hands towards him, her words were caught in her mouth quite literally. Her mouth refused to say the words she wanted, her outstretched hand remained perfectly still. A paralysis spell? But how? There was no one in sight but the two of them! She struggled against it, but no matter how hard she tried to budge, she would remain in place, frozen as a statue. The moment where she and Emiri said goodbye replayed right in front of her. For some reason, Emiri looked much more depressed than what she remembered. Or was it that she hadn't noticed? She watched as she would hug her, though to her surprise, she didn't hear anything she had said. Instead, she would hear Emiri herself as if she was whispering into her ear: [i][color=pink]At least one of us believed it. I'm going to end up ruining everything, aren't I...?[/color][/i] The scene around her changed, instead showing Utena Hospital. She had gone so many times that she recognized it instantly, though she was shocked to see Emiri standing in front of her father. She had an empty look on her face, and Nadeline let out a gasp as the girl would raise her arms. Within seconds, Lord Andre would breathe, though Karolina would come and wrench her away. Once again she could not hear her mother's words, instead only being able to hear Emiri's thoughts at the moment: [i][color=pink]I did it! He's better, he's awake! It really worked![/color][/i] Now they were in the streets of Stigma, and Nadeline was shocked to see Aloa, Vlyn, and Shion in front of Emiri, doing battle. What was happening?! Why were they fighting?! She opened her mouth to protest, though she felt like she was getting swallowed by bloodthirst. Was this how Emiri felt? Nadeline almost mimicked Emiri's laugh, but she clutched her head. Emiri's voice whispered into her ear: [i][color=pink]They can't stop me! No one can stop me![/color][/i] Why was she seeing all this? She was getting overwhelmed by Emiri's own emotions and thoughts that her head pulsed and caused her pain. Thoughts and feelings that weren't hers seemed to come in one after another, and without realizing it, Nadeline had dropped down to her knees. [i][color=pink]I don't understand, it hurts, it hurts so much... Get married? Why? I don't want to marry without my Papa. And I wanted Mother to be there, too. Of all the things to say, why would you tell me this, Karolina? Papa is better now! I fixed him! They all left me behind. Am I that much of a burden? said you'd never leave my why did you leave me?! Why?! Don't abandon me again! Please! I can't take it! I don't want to be alone anymore! No one cares about me. All I ever did was cause trouble.[/color][/i] "[b][color=coral]Stop...![/color][/b]" was the only word Nadeline was able to mutter out loud. She was essentially on the ground in a fetal position, clutching her head tightly. [hr] Keiran opened his eyes in surprise. Was that truly his master's wishes? How silly, of course they were, he knew that Mist from anywhere. No, what surprised him more was the direction where his master would order him to go. How strange, it was in the opposite direction. Was He there? No, something else must have been. Understanding his new objective, he would shake Emiri's shoulder, telling her, "[b]Time to wake up.[/b]" Emiri's eyes fluttered open, though rather than the magenta hue they had become, instead they were closer to a darker, almost pale violet red. She would look at him, and after letting out a yawn, she would stand. "[b][color=palevioletred]Sun's not so bad anymore,[/color][/b]" She mumbled as she would rub her eye, though she noticed Keiran's expression. "[b][color=palevioletred]What is it?[/color][/b]" Keiran outright stared at her for a moment, though he would tear his gaze away from her and look out into the distance. "[b]You should be able to feel it by now. There's something out there, isn't there?[/b]" What was he talking about? Emiri squinted in the direction he was looking, as if to get visual confirmation, though she saw nothing. She looked at him again, though let out a sigh. "[b][color=palevioletred]What is it that you sense?[/color][/b]" "[b]I don't know. Let's go see--although...[/b]" He would stop, raising a hand over Emiri's head. She let out a gasp of surprise as her clothes would revert to normal, albeit her normally beige dress was now black in color. "[b]To keep you cool, that little getup of yours was dragging you down.[/b]" She pouted, though she would follow suit nonetheless.