[hider]Sal Heath Appearance:[img]http://www.anime-evo.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/strikethelbood-review01.jpg[/img] Height: 5'0" Name:Sal Heath Nickname:None yet Age:30 Race:Human Gender:Male Class:Cleric Alignment:Neutral Good Skills:Healing, Concentration, Profession, Gather Information Weapons:A mace. Gear:Thick leather armor, a circular metal shield Inventory:lots of dried salted meat, nuts, spices, a couple sharp kitchen knives, flint and tinder, a small folded tent and blanket roll, one book, 1 gold coin, five sets of other clothes rolled up in his bag, a big black bag with shoulder straps, an hour glass, some blank parchment, an ink jar with quill, a small bottle of wine, a large bottle of water. Personality:He normally has a smile on his face and is happy to help people. He does have a very curious nature and it doesn't matter if he knows you or not, but he will go right up to you and ask basically whats going on in your life. Asking questions like that on a first meeting doesn't bother him, and it doesn't embarass him at all. One thing he tries to avoid is people helping him, as he thinks that he can get around on his own, and he also thinks everyone else could use a helping hand. He's also not afraid to put his foot down and speak up or stand in the way of something that is wrong and should be stopped. BackStory: Sal grew up as the son to an average family. As in they didn't have much money and average was like peasantry if you were to use titles of class like ones used to describe a kingdom. Except this was no kingdom, this was only a village. Sal's father worked at the village square helping the 'mayor', or elder of the village create more wooden houses and stone floors to expand the place. His mother was just a stay at home mom who cooked whatever food their father had brought home after work. As Sal got to be a little older he learned the techniques to make fine roast beef, chicken, assorted cooked vegetables with spices added like bayleaf and several others. While earlier in the day, before the cooking needed to be done Sal would help his father out with the construction projects his old man needed to get done before the sun went down. Then one day on the way back from working construction with his dad, they had lost track of time and Sal had gotten lost. His father must have been almost at the door (their house was on the southern edge of the village while the construction area was on the north eastern corner), long story short sal was lost in the center of the village as a man with weird red marks on his face beckoned to him. Sal was from a trusting family, and so Sal approached the man. The man wanted sal to follow him. Sal didn't at first but the man then threated to punch him in the face. And so Sal followed him. To a large cave that sal had no idea even existed nearby his village. There was a fire inside with a crowd of people wearing weird rags, and again having those red marks on their faces. Within a short period of time these cultists decided to make offerings to this 'spirit' named madro, the only words sal could understand were 'spirit and madro. Except the offerings were animals that are savagely killed by cutting their throats while they were aware of what was about to happen to them. Then the cultists would cover their flat rock or 'altar' with the animals blood and throw the animals body carelessly to the side as if it was worthless. This careless sacrificing to someone who to sal didn't even exist disgusted him. Unforunately it was weeks before sal could even find one opportunity to escape. Thankfully he got away before he had to kill an animal in cold blood. Even the thought of that gave him nightmares years later. Thus he escaped the cult with their crazy cultists and returned home to his house. His parents were super worried but he calmed them down eventually. Sal reflected on the cultists and how in the world could he have ended up there? After a few restless nights pondering it he found his way of explaining things. His own philosophy or beliefs if you will: Everything happens for a reason. And there is a reason for being with cultists, you learn they are disgusting 'human beings'. Eventually he thought up more of his philosophy as he had decided that it made sense together. So the philosophy/beliefs all together was: Everything happens for as reason and so there are no coincidences. There is always a way to prevent something from happening. And lastly, do not go around hiding, because what happened will be known and why it happened will also be known. Sal was about 20 years old while his older brother Rickard was in town (Rickard is 35 years old)and sal's brother wanted to show sal the world outside the village, thus their journey began. (Oh sorry, that I didn't mention Rickard before but hey, he's 15 years older than sal, its not like sal would remember him anyway :P) They traveled through forests, over hills, cliffs and fighting off the occasional bandit or thief. When late one night while traveling through a forest a bear snuck up on them while they were sleeping. Sal just happened to kick Rickard awake as a great shadow approached their tent. The shadow got closer as Rickard stood up. Then a claw ripped open the side of their tent as Rickard drew his sword. Unfortunately the bear charged towards Rickard as Rickard tripped on a corner of sal's blanket. Thus The bear sliced open Rickard's chest as he sliced open the bears neck. Both mortal wounds. Sal jerked awake at his brother trying to stop the blood coming out of his chest. It was traumatizing, and sal did all he could to try and stop it before all Rickard's blood bled out. But it wasn't enough and Sal lost his brother that night. Sal always blamed himself, saying that to himself over and over that he had failed to prevent his brothers death from happening. Why did he have to sleep that night of all nights, when his brother was fighting for their lives? After grieving for a long time he continued following his philosophy, this was no coincidence that his brother died. His brother died for a reason. Whoever controlled Fate hated him, sal decided. Also sal knew he could not hide what happened and so he went to his parents and explained what happened to his brother and sal blamed himself for it. His parents also thought it was his fault and called him 'a mistake that should never have been born.' They then went directly to the mayor of the town and had him exile sal. Sal was forbidden from ever going to his home village again. Sal then started fresh in a new town, with no friends. But his goodwill towards what were strangers at the time eventually prevailed and he made friends with the citizens there. He did favors for them, like fixing their house, listening to their problems and giving advice, listening to any confessions they had to give about what they wished they had never done and many others. He also wrote down their names and the date that he visited them to keep a record of their visits and it was a super helpful list to have when he needed to remember their names when he visited them next time. While he was in this town he just lived off whatever money people would pay him for his 'favors'. Sal didn't even think of them as favors, sal was just doing what everybody should do, help each other. But sal did need the money to get by, but any extra he ended up with after paying living expenses he gave back to the towns people. Eventually though he did larger favors for people and thus he accepted more payment for these favors. Thus this enabled him to build a Tavern that he ran as the barkeep and this place allowed for more people to socialize and it made it easier for him to talk to people. Because now he could talk to a lot more people in a single room. He sold very watered down wine and spiced beef, spiced chicken and vegetables at the Tavern. Years passed and business was good at the Tavern, Eventually though he heard of a problem with orcs. It sounded like a big problem, and thus he started to pack his bags and see what he could do about it. [/hider]