The plan had gone rather smoothly at the beginning. While Zeromus and Mateus provided a distraction, one in which that seemed to be completely one-sided. Even with the amount of magick-users, high-tech machinery, and various hunters of all sizes and experience, they were no match for two Scions of Darkness. When it came to Zeromus, those who were heavy or light did not stand any chance, for they were hit with the Esper’s gravity spell almost instantaneously. If they did not succumb to the pressure, then they would be flung almost a mile in the opposite direction. This esper made quick work of them. And if there were any that remained, MAteus would be right behind Zeromus, freezing all that stood. They came at him in numbers and in numbers they fell either through the swing of the trident that Mateus wielded or through the frigid winds he cast upon them with his free hand. Mateus of the Scions of Darkness, the Corrupt, had deemed those machines, those men who sought to harm his Summoner and her lover. For that, if by the grace of the gods he forsakened long ago, he shall strike them down for it is his will. And Mateus’ will shall be obeyed. [hr] As the Espers had proven to take their role of distracting the mass of the first wave of forces, Savayna and Grant were able to get closer to the temple, whcih Savayna deduced was where the leader of this entire [i]Brotherhood[/i] was at. But still, Savayna had to admit that this was all a lot of hoopla for just one temple. She understood it was a refugee camp and The Brotherhood Hunting Guild wasn’t exactly one for ethics or morals. Savayna knew they were savages. But if you were to ask her if attacking this one mountainside in the bulk that they did was worth it, you’d get a big fat ‘no’ in response. Regardless how she felt, Savayna and Grant made it. They were a mere fifty paces from the temple. However, as luck would have it, by the time they did, the spell had run off. “[color=lightblue]Shit.[/color]” Savayna said at the same moment the spell had ended. Her outburst almost cost them as a Brotherhood hunter turned around. “Did you hear that?” One of the hunters asked the one beside him. The one that just spoke was bulky and had a spiked mohawk of red and blue; looked to be a Bangaa. The one next to him had a lean build. Skin was fair and hair copper toned. He was Hume. “You’re hearing things, B’Darmon.” “You best not be calling the tea kettle black, Petyr.” “And what if I am? Are you going to do about it, B’Darmon?” “Well, for starters, I’ll wipe that smirk off your face. Then, I’ll pound you so hard into the gorund, you’ll be even uglier. Lastly, I’ll tell everyone how you got yourself captured by one lowly Sky Pirate. How do you —” Both stopped as they felt a hand on each of their shoulders. Savayna couldn’t control her curiosity. She peeked her head out from behind the wall her and Grant were. Who she saw made her jaw hang down. “Is there a problem?” the man asked. “No sir!” “No sir!” “Good. Then, stop gossiping like a bunch of teenaged Humes, and remain alert. There are two gigantic monsters attacking our forces at the front gate. We need to be on high alert!” “[color=lightblue]I can’t believe [i]he’s[/i] here.[/color]” Savayna muttered, though it was loud enough for Grant to hear. “[color=lightblue]Of all people..[/color]” Savayna felt something quell within her gut. She didn’t know if it was a nostalgic warmth or frigid anger. It was very confusing, but what she knew for sure was that waiting around for something to happen was getting her nowhere. And he was getting away. The best she could do was tail him. But those two have to be dealt with. “[color=lightblue]I’m gonna charge. Back me up.[/color]” Savayna said. She knew Grant wasn’t going to like this, but she followed his lead long enough. These two had to go, and she had to be quick about it. Based on where [i]he[/i] was, Savayna had just about three seconds for each of them and still have the chance of following him. As she stepped own, flowing along a trail of Mist that responded to her urgency, Savayna had covered ten paces in one second. The two, who were back to bickering, hadn’t noticed her. By the time she covered another ten paces, they had noticed her, but it was too late. Savayna froze them where they stood with a Blizzaga spell. After that, she heel kicked them both in the side of the head, her legs doing the splits as she did so, sending both in opposite directions of each other. The Bangaa was sent flying off the edge of the walkway, rolling down the hill to join the beasts on Paramara Rift, while the other - the hume - was simply sent flying through a series of bushes, landing hard against a building. Savayna assumed he was unconscious. And after the dust settled, Savayna looked around, and spotted the leader. He had just turned a corner. She looked back to Grant, signalling him to follow her, though like before, she would take off before giving him a chance to respond. [hr] After a moment or two had passed, Wesley found himself on his feet. As soon as he did, however, he looked at Nadeline. For whatever reason, she couldn’t move. Did she too feel the Mist? Wesley thought that for a moment, but no, something was…[i]off[/i]. Something in his gut told him so. This was exactly how Wesley was just a moment ago. But Nadeline hadn’t sensed that putrid Mist, so why was she-- And then suddenly she screamed as loud as she could, alerting WEsley to kneal to his fiance. The way she shivered, the way she was clenching her head, it was just like...No, I won’t allow that to come true. WEsley shook his head profusely, and then put his hands on Nadeline’s shoulders. He tried shaking her, but it wasn’t working. She remained in the same position, hands still clutching her head. “[color=fff79a]Talk to me, Nadeilne. What’s wrong?[/color]” Wesley said. His voice was urgent, desperate. He wanted to get her to talk to him. “[color=fff79a]If you can’t, then just focus on my voice. You’re going to be okay. You’re going to be fine.[/color]” Wesley tried anything he could to get her to her.