I've woken up with a pretty nasty migraine (even by my standards), and my PC is in a particularly asshole mood today, so I guess just be aware of that. Under these circumstances, it's entirely possible I'll need to disappear for a few days soon just so I can severely speed up the PC organizing process and make things cooperate a bit more. I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date. [@Pudding] As stated in the PM I sent you in follow up to the one I promised, I'll be able to assist. I know this is your first 'Advanced' tag role-play and for some people that can be intimidating, but I really think this tag/forum is more about dedication than it is writing level (since those with dedication tend to improve anyway), so don't let it pressure you too much -- I don't have a problem helping out with the transition. [@Ailyn Evensen] Said it over PM too, but I hope you sleep well. Hopefully you'll stop being sick sooner than later. [@tsukune] I'm unfamiliar with the term 'purple prose', despite two of you mentioning it now. That being said, shorter posts are more or less to be expected during dialogue, unless the role-player tends to delve very heavily into the mentality and internal thought processes of their character (like I do, but will obviously need to do less often than usual to avoid spoiling things too early). Good reply though. I'll work out my own response when I can. When we're in the estate or in a bigger group there'll need to be a bit more structure to our posting order, but for now it's sort of meaningless so long as anyone that's part of a group waits for each member of their party before posting again. Like I mentioned on Skype, I fixed up that issue with the music. Your post also made me realize I neglected to mention what's in Leonard's sandwich -- normally I don't miss details like this, so it goes to show how fatigued and unfocused my PC's making me lately. As for the escort, I'm fine with people taking it or not, since it's not like the game begins the instant someone steps onto that soil. They [i]do[/i] all need to reach the estate before April 14 ends though.