[Hider=Kosoku][centre][h2][b]Kosoku Hitoshi[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DzRcCCg.png?1[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Hero Alias:[/b] Shortcut, as per his Quirk name. [b]Name:[/b] Kosoku Hitoshi [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Height:[/b] 171 cm (5'7") [b]Weight:[/b] 67 kg (149 lb) [b]Personality:[/b] Kosoku is primarily defined by his rule-based ethic, sense of duty and discipline, all bolstered by a bizarre conviction that he is, in fact, a ninja (spoiler: he's not). In his day to day interactions, Kosoku carries a easy going and amicable demeanour, functioning comfortably regardless of his situation - even against those who don't quite reciprocate. Kosoku prefers to act in a manner that can be universalised, and he considers that cool and friendly demeanour to be something that can. On the surface of things, Kosoku is simply an easy going student who likes playing the role of the observer from time to time. However, Kosoku's calm demeanour belies his more disciplined nature, people who observe Kosoku soon come to realise that he operates on a consistent and demanding regime. Kosoku believes that his potential can only be reached through hard-work and determination, and so he strives to reach that point in a way that seems most efficient to him. Despite the high standards he sets himself to, he refuses to set other people to those same standards, understanding that others are progressing themselves at paces that suit them too. For that reason, Kosoku is content to provide sound wisdom and assistance to anyone who seeks it; provided they can find him and ask. His assertions that he's a ninja (spoiler: he still isn't) manifest as both pragmatism and a preference toward a supporting role. Kosoku tries to use as much as he can to his advantage, so as long as he considers it "just". He also prefers the supporting role because he feels that that's the role a ninja is supposed to play, acting from the shadows and avoiding the spotlight. [b]Background:[/b] Kosoku is not a ninja, despite being frequently mistaken for one. That said, Kosoku [i]is[/i] a descendant of the now-inactive and ancient Hitoshi Clan. In light of that past, his parents took up the mantle of running a rather successful martial arts dojo with an interesting disposition - they would help students incorporate their Quirks into martial arts to give them a unique flair. Both Kosoku's stern and duty-bound father and cordial yet pragmatic mother had developed their own fighting styles through their own Quirks, and the birth of Kosoku (and subsequent display of his powers in later years) had given the parents the prospect of training their son in a way that would incorporate their two fighting styles together. Somewhere along that line, Kosoku became somewhat invested in that whole ninja ideal (the blame tends to veer toward the father who was [i]really[/i] passionate about that whole ninja heritage) and the young child set about improving his skills with increased fervour. At one point, Kosoku was content to merely inherit the dojo from his parents when he got older, but eventually dismissed the idea in favour of becoming a hero (again, likely at the urging of his father who was also a hero fanatic on the side). Now, Kosoku's enrolled at Komei, although perhaps not with the exact same convictions as everyone else. [b]Quirk:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Shortcut [b]Classification:[/b] Emitter [b]Description:[/b] A Quirk created by a self-teleportation Quirk and a Quirk that allowed others to be teleported. Shortcut allows Kosoku to teleport himself anywhere within 100 metres without traversing the space between. Shortcut also allows Kosoku to teleport other objects (and people he has [i]securely[/i] grappled) that he touches with his hands anywhere within 100 metres. Shortcut has both defensive and offensive applications, with defensive applications such as dodging, and offensive applications revolving around manipulation of both himself and other objects to attack enemies. Shortcut requires more focus than other Quirks, and is activated through a brief moment of intense concentration as Kosoku calculates his own position and then the destination he wants to move to, which means that things that hinder this concentration (pain, confusion or an inability to remain calm) will impede teleportation. Decisively fast attacks may also be able to hit Kosoku during that brief teleportation interval. Kosoku can only teleport things that he can "lift", and currently has a limit of objects of 75 kg (160 lbs). Teleporting objects slightly beyond 160 lbs is possible, but puts an immense strain on Kosoku's body. Similarly, if Kosoku were to abuse his teleportation ability and go beyond his limit (teleport too many times in quick succession), he would suffer from fatigue, further hindering his ability to teleport. [b]Talents:[/b] [i][b]Martial Arts.[/b][/i] As one can imagine, Kosoku is proficient at various martial arts from his time at his parents' dojo. It makes him fairly dexterous, and the increased activity also helps to make him rather athletic. He also employs the use of that stock ninja weaponry from time to time, be it smoke bombs, kunai or the like.[/centre][/hider]