"Oh god, oh god...I thought you were dying. I didn't know what a panic attack was and...you scared me so much, Taylor!" Amelia's eyes widened and she pulled him into a quick hug, making sure he was still there before going to her phone and checking the text. [quote]im here, where in fuck's sake are u? - Vorrie [/quote] Amelia ran to the front door and unlocked it. Vorrie was standing there, short purple hair mussed in all directions, leather pants hanging loosely off her hips and her black band crop top showing her pierced belly button. "Hey, Vorrie. Sorry for the wait." Amelia apologized, ushering her friend in. "Taylor!" She called out for him as she sat on the couch while Vorrie had hoisted herself up onto the bar and was swinging her combat boots back and forth, narrowing her eyes in the direction of the bedroom doorway and frowning. [i]"Who's Taylor?"[/i] Vorrie asked, turning her blue eyed gaze to Amelia. Amelia took in Vorrie. She had smooth mocha coloured skin and a beautiful figure. All the boys Amelia knew fell for her in an instant. So what about Taylor? Amelia shook that thought out of her head before giving a quick smile. "A...friend." She replied. [i]"Friend?"[/i] Vorrie wiggled her eyebrows before giving a sly smile. "Oh, stop it!" Amelia reached over and smacked Vorrie lightly on her arm before shaking her head, laughing. It felt good to be around someone who didn't give her butterflies. [@Riverbeak]