[@Pundii] [@Morose] [@Sigil] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@ONL] New Years Announcement - Guys, you really have to stop riding the counters. Seriously. The 7 day thing is the max time. A lot of you are riding it to day 6 and 7 constantly, which is driving other people's counters up, which is making even ore scramble at the last second to get their posts in on time. This has got to end. If you can post, by god post. I understand posting on day 6 or day 7 now and again if life gets hectic but it shouldn't be every week. I shouldn't have to remind people to post every week. I know the last month has been hectic with school, work, holidays - but in the end, these were not exactly things that came out of the blue peeps. New year, time to get back on the ball. Manage your time wisely, try to get posts in quicker so people aren't waiting on you. Lady A~