[center][color=pink][h3]Amaterasu[/h3] Level 1 Day 1; Evening Kingdom of Erion - Raganival, Forest Beyond Castle Grounds Mention: [@Aether Spawn] Interaction:[@ToadRopes][@Zarkun][/color][/center] [hr] Ammy looked up at Hapu's giant horse monster as it nudged her. Grunting back at it, she raised up her a paw and placed it on the creature's lowered head much like Hapu had just done. She couldn't exactly give it a proper rub without proper hands, but she did her best. The horse was definitely more than a horse, that was clear from its bearing, though exactly how much more she wasn't sure. At the same time, though, it was totally a horse. She wondered if it a similar mindset to hers? She'd have to sit down with it and figure it out, probably over a meal if she could scrounge one up for them. More alarming was James's scanner thing washed over them. She rounded on it curiously as the triangle engulfed her, and the explanation that it would keep her from accidentally getting shot again was encouraging. Her ears were still tingling. She barked an affirmation at James and his...Ghost? It didn't look like a ghost, but then again other worlds were strange. It was right around that time that their leader appeared. When Edward mentioned that they would be setting out at first light she was half tempted to give that to him right now, but resisted. It suddenly going from evening to bright and sunny afternoon would most likely stir up all kinds of trouble in the world. It would definitely let the Demon Lord know something wasn't quite right. Besides, their orders were apparently to relax so Ammy plopped herself down on the ground and took in the scenery so more, making sure to keep her ears and nose tuned in to catch any movement in the forest that wasn't their own.