[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Battle for Vasel[/h2][/center] [center][@Little_ninja][@POOHEAD189][/center] James didn't argue with Lily's idea, mainly because he knew that there was no other way of clearing that second floor out. Taking cover until after the Imperial grenades had gone off, he wasted no time in throwing his own grenades to the top of the stairs. Or more accurately, one to the top of the stairs, the other over the guard railing to actually land behind some of the Imperial fortifications. This was followed by him diving back down the stairs as all the Gallian grenades went off before bellowing to Rousseau. "Rousseau, help lead the charge! Nelson and I will be right behind with the other scouts! Nelson, aim for center mass!" Once the Storm troopers were up the stairs, James followed, already zeroing in on an Imperial picking themselves up and putting three shots into his chest before moving on to his next target.