[center][h1][b]Albert Prelati[/b][/h1] Interacting with: Berserker ([@Grey]), Saber, Leon, Takumi & Togami ([@vancexentan]), James ([@Shadow Daedalus]), Brynhilda ([@Loki Odinson]), Jonathan ([@BubbleGumKing]), Amina ([@Phase Transit]) [h2]Fuyuki Church - 6:31 PM December 1st, 2012[/h2][/center] [hider]Albert watched, slightly dumbstruck, as Togami's limo pulled up. Being of an older family simultaneously persecuted by the Mage's Association yet coveted by them for their research, he'd always had a unique perspective on other mages. He was all at once totally immersed in mage culture, yet lived just far enough outside it to watch with amusement some of the utterly asinine things they did. "Merde. Could zat zing be any more garish?" he muttered to no one in particular (perhaps Berserker). [i]'Ow does 'e expect to win ze Grail War making 'imself zis fucking obvious? Eizer 'e zinks 'e 'as one 'ell of a Servant, or 'e's a bigger idiot zan I zought. Zen again, zis meeting's proved both of zose zings true already.[/i] He set off into the snow, calling Berserker to him. [i]Ma chère, we are leaving. 'Ave you finished all your business 'ere? I 'ave wine and a fine champagne waiting back at ze 'otel zat I was saving to celebrate tonight. You wouldn't 'appen to be [b]interested[/b] in zat, would you?[/i] he suggested cajolingly. Albert hoped she'd say yes. They'd had a bit of a rocky start, but it was looking like he'd at least smoothed things out enough to have her cooperation if nothing else. A Master was in a rather privileged position, after all. Being one of the only seven (in this case fourteen) people alive who had conversed with someone from the distant past, it'd be a shame for him to waste any quality time with his Servant he could get. The questions he had to ask her could fill a thick tome all by themselves. [i]Besides[/i], he thought privately, [i]is it not in ze very nature of a Frenchman to want to spend time in ze company of beautiful women?[/i] He laughed. Oh, if not for everything else he'd ever done as a mage, he was certainly going to hell for that one at the very least. A Frenchman mocking Frenchmen... next you'll say the priest turns out to be evil. Actually, that was surprisingly likely. Retract that statement. [hr] JK delicately collected the bees which Albert had placed inside the walls of the church, flapping her wings and preparing for a long fly-by around Fuyuki. Her flight path through Shinto would take her about an hour, perhaps stretching the bees' ability to tolerate the cold, and would intersect with the Hyatt long after any enemy Masters had stopped looking. The bees would return first, reporting back to Albert and the rest of hive, while she took another group and covered the rest of Miyama Town before returning to rest at dawn. The maneuver would cover most of the city, giving JK ample opportunity to survey the local geography and disperse little black and yellow spies in warm places where their master thought they might survive. Meanwhile, the rats would take to the streets and sewers, conversing with the local population and learning all the best places to nibble on garbage and watch the humans where they gathered. Albert would begin work on his new cat familiar, and by morning a fully-functional spy network would be crawling and flying throughout Fuyuki. Widely spread perhaps, but a hundred thousand compound eyes could see a lot. Plus, he had plans to... expand his arsenal a bit in the days to come. JK hadn't been told if this meant Goliath would be joining the fray as well, but she was definitely curious. If Master Albert brought Goliath here to Japan from overseas, it might mean things were about to get hairier than they'd been told. But what good would a Guardian Spirit do when you already had a Servant? No, it wasn't likely. Still, her master involved her in most of his operations, so she was excited to learn what he might have planned. Owls could be anywhere without raising suspicion, so her part in this war was just beginning... [/hider]