[hr] [h1][color=Cadetblue]John "Grit" Crane[/color][/h1] [hr] Grit was glad to exit the narrow white halls and walk into a large open area, surrounded by greenery. The hub was filled with people, students and faculty alike, and a giant stage loomed on the other side of the room. If it weren't for the glass dome up above, through which Grit could see naught but empty space, it would seem just like a normal outdoor amphitheater on Earth. Palm trees half-circled the courtyard, and a cool breeze blew through the air. Grit looked around through the crowd of people. It felt awkward and even more isolating to be alone. Never backing down from some interaction, he decided to try making some friends. He looked around the room. Even just after getting off of the plane, groups were beginning to form. In one corner of the room, a big guy and a girl with a robotic arm and a gas mask of all things were talking to a man with a red letter "X" for a face. The sight creeped Grit out a good bit more than he expected. Vigilantes, not unlike these guys in appearance, were constant menaces down on the surface, and Grit was sure they wouldn't be legal up in the stars. Up above them, a massive orange poster loomed, on which the words "THE COMBATICA CHALLENGE" were written. Club reps for a school program, he figured. Only way anyone would wear masks that outlandish. Grit's eyes fell upon a short, frail-looking girl who was standing alone at the edge of the group by the poster. Her arms were cross over her chest, and despite being in space she was wearing a rain jacket. She was kinda cute, Grit thought, and if he was going to try talking to someone, they might as well be cute. Something in the back of his head felt like it was kicking him for thinking about the girl like that. He sighed and shrugged it off. Growing up with a father like his made him a disciplinarian of his own desires, in a way. He made his way over to where she was standing. He noticed her hair was floating on the breeze a bit. He figured it was the air conditioning. He wasn't sure quite what to say, but considering he was a foot taller than her he figured he had to say something before she ran away screaming "Help! A bear!" "Uh, hello," Grit said to Procella, muscling his way through the awkwardness of a conversation with a total stranger. "Do you know, uh, what we're supposed to be doing around here? Everyone's just kind of milling around." [@He Who Walks Behind]