Once again, Savayna seemed to know something he wasn’t aware of. Once again, she would run ahead without giving him a second thought. Once again, Grant found himself following her trail, mentally questioning what the hell he was doing with his life where it had gotten to the point that Savayna repeatedly kept him in the dark. How hard would a signal be? Or at least a ‘follow me’? Was it because she considered it urgent, or was it that his own opinions didn’t matter? Before he could protest, she had already gone off, and he would remain in the shadows, lest he end up getting caught himself. The pair were taken care of, and she would finally give him a signal to follow, though before he could ask what the hell was going on, she would take off. It was good that no one was around to hear Grant’s mumblings as he would complain about the situation. It was truly getting tiresome, though he hoped at the very least it would all be worth it. On the other hand, figuring out exactly why these people had set up a blockade was in his own interest, so he would comply with Savayna. For now. [hr] The wind was gone for a moment. It was rather strange, as Emiri had just started getting used to it sweeping sand into her face repeatedly, but everything was still. It was also quiet, almost peaceful, though she knew better than that. The elementals seemed to go out of their way to avoid her as she walked, giving her quite the satisfaction, though she still had yet to see what Keiran wanted her to notice. Speaking of which, said boy had gotten awfully quiet all things considered. He would only gesture for her to keep going anytime she would look at him, though it was getting old. [hr] The gods knew Nadeline tried to listen to Wesley, boy did she ever, but she felt the full brunt of the attack unwillingly. Why was she seeing all this? Why now? Who was behind it? What had Emiri done? Her own thoughts seemed to mix into the mess, and as hard as she tried, she couldn’t quite snap out of it. Was she going to be driven insane? That much seemed to be happening, though it was happening quite painfully. It was then an unfamiliar glyph appeared beneath her, one she only recognized because she had seen it recently. She recognized it as Ultima’s, and before she knew it, Emiri’s thoughts had silenced and faded away, leaving Nadeline alone. She let out a massive sigh of relief, though she remained still. “It wouldn’t do for you to lose your mind, you still have much to do,” Ultima said simply, almost chiding her. “[color=coral]I’m in your debt,[/color]” Nadeline replied somewhat bitterly, relaxing her hands as she looked at Wesley. “[color=coral]Forgive me, I…I do not know what happened or what that was, but I fear something terrible has happened.[/color]” She told him, shaking her head, though something in the distance would catch her eye. It almost looked like someone was approaching them, though as they would near, Nadeline’s eyes widened. “[color=coral]Have I gone mad, or is that…?[/color] Emiri would stop before them, a good ten feet or so away, her black dress billowing as the wind would pick up once more. Keiran had chosen to hang back, out of sight, though he would be sure to watch the situation carefully. Now he understood what his master wanted; he wanted them to meet, didn’t he? He watched Emiri carefully, trying to gauge her reaction. The blonde princess would stand, trying to understand the sight before her. Emiri should have been in Stigma—no, then all those visions she had were in fact reality? She was confused, though she somehow knew that she wasn’t quite hallucinating. Emiri stared at the pair, a rather blank expression on her face, and it was then Nadeline felt something was…off with her. Her usually tied up hair hung loose around her, her normally violet eyes were closer to a violet-red. Nadeline took a step back, shaking her head. Everything she had seen was true. Emiri had fought with Shion, attacked Vlyn and Aloa. But why? What was happening? Emiri raised both her arms at the pair, as if welcoming them. “[color=palevioletred]We meet again, Highnesses,[/color]” She said, bowing deeply.