[hider=Magnus] Name: Magnus. Title: Magnus the Red, The Crimson King, the Sorcerer-King, Cyclopean Magnus, or the Red Cyclops. Gender: Male. Appearance: Magnus is a large, demonic figure with red skin and feathery wings. He radiates an aura of magical power and terror. Even in daemon form, one of his eyes is still gone, leaving behind a concerning glowing socket, smouldering with both magic, and rage. [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/1/19/Magnus-0.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161129153654[/img] Personality: Magnus has an immense affinity for knowledge and the power such knowledge provides. The appreciation of knowledge itself, of intellect and understanding, is his primary drive, simply for its own sake, and he respects those who have devoted themselves similarly. Having been a king, he is prideful and fully expects reverence and obedience. Having been betrayed, he is distrusting and quick to anger. Magnus is obviously smart in his dealings, implementing extreme foresight and planning. He doesn't go out of his way to destroy, unless it is in revenge, and he holds his grudges tightly. Ideals: In his own world, Magnus harbors hatred against all those who betrayed and misjudged him in the material realm. He has conducted devastating attacks against his former brother's army and homeworld, simply to cause suffering. When not preparing for war, and unbothered by the chaos god who possesses his soul, Magnus seeks to add to his archives. His followers and his army have gone on many mission to collect ancient and lost artifacts, history, and sources of arcane or chaotic power. He must always remain ready to defend against other denizens of the warp that seek to devour him. His master too has enemies. Biography: Magnus was once the 15th "son" of the Emperor of Mankind in the 40K universe. These sons were called primarchs and were created in a lab using some of the emperor's own genetic information. He was originally lost, then found by the emperor and then united with a contingent of space marines that bore his own genetic code. Magnus and his army served the Imperium of Man until a series of unfortunate events that left Magnus with no choice but to die or surrender himself to the chaos god, Tzeentch. He chose the latter. Vengeful against his former allies, and resentful to the god that so easily played him, Magnus endured the ages in a realm of space called the warp. He busied himself, yet things were not progressing. He had no hope of defeating a chaos god and regaining his freedom, not with Tzeentch's powerful foresight and unwavering concentration upon him. But as we know, there are other universes outside of warhammer, and things even Tzeentch cannot see. The events that led to the jump across dimensions are fuzzy. Magnus remembers awakening with his heart racing in the darkness in what felt like realspace. Powers: As a daemon primarch, Magnus was insanely powerful, like god level powerful, but his escape to Phoria has greatly diminished his power. He is no longer in reach of the Empyrean, or Tzeentch, and so he cannot draw magic from them. His body however, is still made of immaterial substance, warp-derived energy, and so he can still draw upon himself to some degree for his powers. Magnus' abilities fall under all categories of "psychic powers," Which would include things like reading minds, shooting lightning, telekinesis, generating invisible forefields, and the like. He can also boost his senses, speed, and strength. However, because he is greatly weakened, these powers are now all on a much lower scale. I would estimate he could do no more than city-wide level damage, comparable to any of our accepted higher-powered characters for this rp. His abilities would also potentially be resistible by other characters. He can fly, as he still has wings, and his body is uniquely durable and able to heal through most damage that would kill a mortal. Think of his as a demonic looking winged sorcerer with elaborate armor. Weaknesses include: being ungainly in melee combat. Magnus just isn't a good physical fighter. He lacks the practice, the skill, the reaction time, and everything. He's also got one eye, and losing it would make him blind. Weapons: Magnus has a glaive weapon through which he can channel energy attacks, such as lightning or force blast or ray. It's sharp and strong enough to potentially be used to parry. Equipment: Glaive, armor. Universe of Origin: warhammer 40K. [/hider]