[center][b][center][h2][color=8882be]Aki Ogawa[/color][/h2][/center][/b][/center][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5b3c2540-3de1-4789-99d9-df1bb4609548.png[/img][/center][center][b]Interacting with [@pkken] and [@Demous][/b][/center] Aki, actually giving enough attention to hear the introductions taking place in-front of him, heard the voices of not only multiple familiar classmates, but also some unfamiliar ones. Su-Mi, Hiro, and Sazama all introduced themselves upfront, Aki being happy to learn the latter twos' names. Then came Ken, an arrogant lad that seriously had to get off his god pedestal (though Aki was less than willing to do so out of pure laziness). Daichi was afterwards, a shy [b][i]Beast of a Man[/i][/b] that seemed a lot more innocent than Aki expected. While hiding his face behind his copy of Faust (a constant reading habit that his father never liked), Aki flipped the smiling abomination a quiet thumbs up. The bookworm, believe it or not, used to be painfully shy as well. He only really ever came out his shell due to an increase in his ambitious love of learning around 5th grade. Then stepped up the dragon-girl, someone who, though she had appeared kind at first, was almost as prideful as the looming Ken. Aki merely shrugged this fact off though, continuing to engulf himself until is literature. Gahana proceeded Sayuri, a happy-go-lucky girl Aki wasn't that much interested in. Too sweet and perky for his tastes, really. Next a teenager, seemingly cosplaying as a ninja, instantaneously transported himself to the front of the classroom. Flaunting his expertise in teleportation, Kosoku was the only student Aki seemed to truly envy for their quirk. The class introductions seemed to be going smoothly, [i]until...[/i] [center][i][color=92278f]"Don't think I'll hold back just because you're a girl. No hard feelings when I crush you, alright?"[/color][/i][/center] Aki was always raised in a polite and highly-upheld household. Built up in the ways of being a rich gentleman by his father, the only real flaw in his manners was that he could never pay attention. Otherwise, like his family taught him, Aki always eats humbly, always opens the door for others, and [b][i]Never Disrespects Women[/i][/b]. If anything, he regards them higher than anybody else, even to this day. Now this, this [i]thing[/i] that Ken just uttered, was blatantly, in Aki's regards, total [b]sh*t[/b] and against all rules of edict. Turning around loudly in his chair, Aki threw a piercing gaze from his bored eyes into Ken's own forehead. [color=8882be][i]"That's no way to talk to a woman. How about you learn your manners"[/i][/color], spat the usually quiet and subtle Aki. His face morphed into a serious stare, showing that he meant business if Ken was going to persist in his brash ways. This kind of behavior was one of the [i]only[/i] things Aki could never stand.