Savayna had occasionally looked behind her to see where Grant was. Sure enough, after a while, he was right behind her. There was a point where she was several paces ahead of him. That was due to the simple fact that she almost lost the Captain of the Brotherhood, or so she assumed. She didn’t know why he was here, the man that had a face she couldn’t forget. How could she forget that face: the near-perfect cheekbones, the short yet stylish beige-colored hair, and icy-blue eyes like her own. How could she forget that face that she spent so many years looking at. Growing up in Glacier Village, that was the face that she saw every day. Whenever she would wake up from slumber, she saw that face just mere paces from her bed. When she would go for a walk, that face was with her, making sure she didn’t get lost in the sometimes-three-yard-high snow that Glacier Village got on harsh winters. Whenever she would go hunting for supper, that face was always with her to make sure she aimed her arrows at the game perfectly. He made sure that she killed the beast but did not make it suffer. Indeed, Savayna didn’t expect to see him here. To her last memory fifteen years ago, he was dead. As Savayna saw the man she and Grant had been following stop in front of the temple, she saw Grant finally catch up to her after that last jolt of running she did just moments prior. When she felt his arm against hers, she breathed in. Over the next minute or so, Savayna would peek her head out from behind the wall, seeing what he was doing. All of the five times she did that, she saw he was talking with some guards. Same outfit as the ones before: a combination of loose pants, vest and shirt combo, a hat or bandana, and a weapon of their choice. All of those, however, were inscribed with the symbol of The Brotherhood. “[color=lightblue]I know you’re growing tired of this, so let me tell you who that guy is,[/color]” Savayna said, trying to keep her voice as low as possible, “[color=lightblue]that man over there, though you wouldn’t believe it by how young he looks, is far older than he appears. The great Glacier of the Archadian Army. Compared to him, I was nothing. He was the true Ice General. Powerful. Convincing in both strength and how he commanded his troops. He also had the Darcone’s respect, so that’s something to consider. But after a while, his strength dwindled. And instead of trying to be a better person, he decided to —[/color]” Savayna was interrupted by the sight of a firaga coming hurling towards them from opposite of the temple. Savayna put her hand in front, “[b][color=lightblue]Shellga![/color][/b]” She called out. The spell would wrap her and Grant in brilliant, blue light. It would protect them from the Firaja that hit them both, engulfing the two in a red blaze. The confrontation between the two spells met a deadlock for a brief moment, but then Savayna heard someone call out “Faithga!” And in that instant, Savayna could feel the flames overpowering her Shellga spell. It was enhanced so much that the firaga not only broke her spell, but it sent both her and Grant flying through the wall, and into the direction of the man they’d been following. “[color=lightblue]Well, so much for stealth, huh?[/color]” Savayna said through the pain she felt from the blast and the rough landing. “[color=steelblue]Savayna Glacie. And Grant Roselia too?[/color]” The man said. “[color=0076a3]Well this must be my lucky day.[/color]” the man said, stepping down from the concrete steps he was on. Savayna got up, though she struggled a bit. She was finally able to get to her feet, pulling Grant up as well. Little did she realize that they had become surrounded by about a dozen men, mages, and machines. “[color=lightblue]Sorry Grant, I guess we’ll have to do this the old fashioned way.[/color]” Savayna said, sorry but not sorry for what had happened. “[color=steelblue]What? You’re not going to introduce me?[/color]” The man said, stepping closer to the crowd of men and machines that surrounded the two royalty of Ivalice. “[color=steelblue]Grant Roselia, it’s an honor to make your acquaintance.[/color]” He said, looking at Grant. He judged his expression. “[color=steelblue]I’m going to assume that, by this blank expression on your face, that Savayna here told you nothing about me?[/color]” He shook his head, “[color=steelblue]oh my darling, Savayna, how you disappoint me,[/color]” he cocked a smile, “[color=steelblue]well allow me to introduce myself. [/color]“ He coughed, as if wanting to build anticipation. [color=steelblue]“My name is Atticus Frost, though to Savayna, I was known as [url=]Atticus Glacie[/url], her darling father.[/color]” Savayna grumbled something under her breath. “[color=lightblue]Now you know why I didn’t want to come.[/color]” [hr] Damn that Mist. First it rendered Wesley unable to walk without assistance, now it paralyzed his beloved with horror in her eyes. He had never seen her like that, not even when Lola had them trapped in those nightmares. This was something entirely different. And WEsley was powerless to stop it. Thankfully, it seemed as though Ultima came through for her in the end. Though, Wesley wondered what took her. He didn’t dare insult the High Seraph, but he couldn’t help but feel that she took her sweet time. [color=a0410d][i]Careful with thoughts, WEsley. She can hear you.[/i][/color] Wesley gulped, only fearing what she would do to him. Or worse, what she [i]wouldn’t[/i] do. Now that was a thought that frightened me. He shook his head, eyes closed. As he would reopen them, Wesley saw what Nadeline saw. Not only that, but he heard what Nadeline heard. A familar voice that he thought was back at Stigma, but she was here. “[color=fff79a]Emiri?![/color]” Wesley was shocked to see her here. “[color=fff79a]What are you —[/color]” Oh no, what was that I sense? It’s that Mist. and it was coming from Emiri. No, that’s not right. It was more like it was just a pace behind her, like a shadow or a guardian devil of sorts. It was like.. As Wesley was putting the pieces together, he saw Nadeline step forward. On instinct, Wesley stopped her. His stepped in front of her. He looked at Emiri with clenched eyebrows. “[color=fff79a]You may be able to fool Nadeline, but you can’t fool me.[/color]” Wesley said, arms glowing ethereal white and orange, much like when he was first given The Order Seal. “[color=fff79a]Come out or I’ll force you out.[/color]” Wesley threatened.